Outlook isn't shutting down when I close it



For a while now, when I close outlook, it doesn't shut down. I still have
messages come in & it doesn't ask for my password when I re-open. I have to
shut down my computer to change that.


I have stopped the email scanning in McAfee. I will see if that works. I'm
also getting & sending duplicate emails unintentionally. If this doesn't
work with the anti-virus software, it could be that I'm losing connection
too. This could be a network connection issue in my home. Although this
problem has just started in both circumstances recently. I'm wondering about
something else, my Microsoft One Care expired about the same time. I had
both McAfee & One Care until that point. In addition, I got an ITouch Ipod
for Christmas & have synced my calendar to my ipod. I guess everything could
be working against me. I'll have to try different things to see what might
fix it.

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