Outlook 2007 & outcmd.dat



I have been advised that if the outcmd.dat file becomes too large it can
impair the performance of Outlook. When I looked initially this file was
1.6Mb in size so I deleted it as advised (when outlook was closed) and it
was duly created when outlook was restarted at 17Kb.

I notice however that the file grows by approx 17KB every time outlook is
started. Is this expected? i.e. first time it was 17KB, second time it was
34KB, third time it was 50KB etc. etc.

If this is not correct is there a solution?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Roady [MVP]

That is not correct behavior. This could be caused by a faulty add-in that
adds its own button to the toolbar.


Roady said:
That is not correct behavior. This could be caused by a faulty add-in
that adds its own button to the toolbar.


Thanks for your reply - I have been researching this a bit more and it seems
that this has been a problem for quite a while. I have identified the addon
and contacted the author who is adamant that it is an issue with Outlook.

Are there any updates for Vista/Outlook2007 to resolve the issue?

Roady [MVP]

Which add-in is causing you the issue?

With all the add-ins out there and their widespread use I can assure you
that it is not a general Outlook issue (and if it is there must be an easy
workaround or we would have gotten loads of reports on it).

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003



Roady said:
Which add-in is causing you the issue?

With all the add-ins out there and their widespread use I can assure
you that it is not a general Outlook issue (and if it is there must
be an easy workaround or we would have gotten loads of reports on it).



Junk-out is the addin

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