Outlook 2002 - unable to send email



I just started using a Sprint Wireless Broadband card for internet access and
am now unable to send email. I can receive email fine. I have double
checked my email account settings with my email account provider and they are
set correctly but Outlook keeps giving me an error message
Task 'Comcast - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC78) : 'Unable to send the
message. Please verify the e-mail address in your account properties. The
server responded: 530 Authentication required'
I don't have problems sending email from my office location, just when
traveling and using my wireless card, my wireless card provider says the
problem is with microsoft outlook. . . . .any ideas?


I had the same problem with OE . I could receive all day but could not
send. Comcast of course said it was not them. I finally had to change my
smtp port number from 25 to 587 which is more secure they said. I only have
to do that at home or on my home network. Everywhere else it works fine on


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