Outlook 2002 to Windows Mail



I've read and searched until I'm exhausted. How can I get my 6,000 email
messages from outlook 2002 to my Windows Mail? It's a New Vista Business PC
and I got all the Outlook messages off my XP machine...it's all in a single
large .PST file.
Please advise.



You would need to configure Outlook on the Vista PC, connected to your
origonal pst - NOT usining Import - Then in Mail you can import msgs &
If your Vista PC came with a trial version of Office, use Outlook 2007 and
open your origonal pst within that, or if you havent allready configured
Outlook, when you do so, use the origonal pst.

Other than that on your old PC Import msgs to Outlook Express from Outlook,
then copy OE mail store to Vista PC, and in Mail Import - you would also
need on the old PC to export Outlook contacts to the windows address book &
copy this also to the Vista PC

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