OUTbox does not work



I purchased a new Acer computer in January 2008 which had Vista Premium
pre-installed; i activated the free 90-day trial from Norton. The Mail
program worked fine until about one week ago when my outbox stopped working:
1) when i press «Send/Reveive» nothing happens, and even the graphics for
that button do not seem to work (i.e. the button does not appear to indent).
In order for me to be able to send email, I have to close the Mail program,
at which point I get a message box asking if i want to send the unsent
message(s), which it does when I click on OK.
2) I've also noticed that the bold characters (that normally indicate if
there are unread messages in the Inbox, or unsent messages in the OUTbox) do
not work anymore, i.e. they stay bold eventhough there are no new messages in
the Inbox, or are not in bold when there are unsent messages in the OUTbox.
Please note that I have already installed the Update for Vista (KB941090);
as the problems I was having were not fixed, I even tried to reinstall both
versions (ie 32 and 64 bit) during which i get the message that «the update
does not apply to your system».
I also installed Mr. Cochran's tool (i.e. WMUtil) and followed it step by
step. My Windows Mail program is still acting up as described above.
I notice that the majority of threads re: Windows mail are almost one year
old. Are there any new solutions to this problem? Can anyone help? Thanks.


Replace Norton with the free AVG or Avast, and Windows Firewall and Windows
Disabling Norton is not enough. You need to completely uninstall it.


I just remembered that the same morning I started having problems with
Windows Mail (i.e. February 23), I had installed a programme called «Organize
My Electronic Filing System» (from the Dummies series). So a few minutes
ago, I uninstalled that same programme, during which there was a prompt
screen asking to close Windows mail, which I did. After uninstallation of
Organize MY E F S, my Windows Mail is now working normally. I guess there
must have been a conflict or incompatility between the two programmes. I had
found that weird that for a couple of months, Mail was working perfectly and
then suddenly started acting up. So I guess I'll keep Norton for now as
things appear to be working. Thanks anyways for your time and response.

Gary VanderMolen

Over time, some antivirus programs tend to cause corruption
in Windows Mail. Windows Mail is not compatible with most
McAfee and Norton security programs. Those will need to be
uninstalled, NOT just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like:
AVG free edition:
Avast free edition:

With either of those, during the install phase you must select custom
install, and then deselect the email scanning option.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

lucodu said:
I just remembered that the same morning I started having problems with
Windows Mail (i.e. February 23), I had installed a programme called
My Electronic Filing System» (from the Dummies series). So a few minutes
ago, I uninstalled that same programme, during which there was a prompt
screen asking to close Windows mail, which I did. After uninstallation of
Organize MY E F S, my Windows Mail is now working normally. I guess there
must have been a conflict or incompatility between the two programmes. I
found that weird that for a couple of months, Mail was working perfectly
then suddenly started acting up. So I guess I'll keep Norton for now as
things appear to be working. Thanks anyways for your time and response.

At least turn off its email scanning.

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