Out of Office Assistant



The Out of Office Assistant with Exchange Server 5.5 and Outlook 2002 works on Internal addresses, but not External. We have tweaked our installation to prevent Open Relaying, has this affected OOA operation? A reply to another user's question suggested that there is an Exchange configuration setting that restricts replies to Internal addressees if required, but I can't find this setting anywhere

Thanks if you can assist


neo [mvp outlook]

The option you are looking for on the Exchange 5.5 server is on the Internet
Mail Connector. From memory....

1. Go into Admin.exe for Exchange Server with IMC
2. Click on Site/Connections/Internet Mail Connector(Service)
3. Look at Properties and under Interoperability, uncheck Disable OOF
Replys to Internet
4. Restart the IMC Service and off you go...

AFAIK it is not possible to suppress internal notifications. The only time
I have seen it not respond internally is when 3rd party antivirus is
installed on Exchange or the rules in the users mailbox become corrupt.

Bazza said:
The Out of Office Assistant with Exchange Server 5.5 and Outlook 2002
works on Internal addresses, but not External. We have tweaked our
installation to prevent Open Relaying, has this affected OOA operation? A
reply to another user's question suggested that there is an Exchange
configuration setting that restricts replies to Internal addressees if
required, but I can't find this setting anywhere.

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