I've just had a read up on Windows 8 vs Windows 8 Pro / ARM processors / how
to swipe this, and swipe that, (if you have a touchscreen).
What a hideously complicated and expensive route "they"re all forcing on us
! I recently had to buy a new mobile phone, as I couldn't find a bew
battery for my old Samsung A30, so I bought a Samsung Galaxy Mini II with a
touch screen, took the SIM out of old Samsung and put it in my new Mini II,
and for the next couple of days, couldn't answer it when it rang ! So,
(whilst on 11 days off from work), I phoned a friend at work and asked,
"When it rings, and the green and red circled handset icons appear, I prod
and prod the green handset, and it just keeps ringing ....how does one
answer the darned thing ? !!!" To which he answered, "...just swipe the
green one off to the right of the screen..." So I've now been partially
initiated into the world of swiping ! And I understand that as more and
more touchscreen hardware is forced onto us, there will be an ever
increasing number of screens with filthy horrid greasy swipe marks all over
them ! I've already developed an OCD complex with my new mobile 'phone, and
simply have to keep giving it a gentle wipe with a damp piece of J-cloth,
and buffing it up with a clean tissue. Goodness know how I would keep a
bigger touch-screen clean !
Anyhoo, considering that XP end-of-life is April 8 2014, and that I
occasionally take my XP Home hd out, (of my Startech caddyless 5 1/4"
hard-disk bay), and pop in my W7 Ultimate hd in order to have a rummage
around, and try to do things in Ultimate, I keep finding that applications
are missing, need installing, and/or won't install because theyr'e too old,
and I keep abandoning tasks because so much time and money would have to
spent on upgrading application software, that there would little or no time
left to actually do what I wanted to do in the first place !
So, I plan to keep my old XP as it is, (and not use it for the internet
after April 8 2014), use my W7 Laptop, W7 Ultimate hd in my main PC for the
web and email, ...and MS and the i-pad and tablet manufacturers CAN ALL GO
best regards, Richard
to swipe this, and swipe that, (if you have a touchscreen).
What a hideously complicated and expensive route "they"re all forcing on us
! I recently had to buy a new mobile phone, as I couldn't find a bew
battery for my old Samsung A30, so I bought a Samsung Galaxy Mini II with a
touch screen, took the SIM out of old Samsung and put it in my new Mini II,
and for the next couple of days, couldn't answer it when it rang ! So,
(whilst on 11 days off from work), I phoned a friend at work and asked,
"When it rings, and the green and red circled handset icons appear, I prod
and prod the green handset, and it just keeps ringing ....how does one
answer the darned thing ? !!!" To which he answered, "...just swipe the
green one off to the right of the screen..." So I've now been partially
initiated into the world of swiping ! And I understand that as more and
more touchscreen hardware is forced onto us, there will be an ever
increasing number of screens with filthy horrid greasy swipe marks all over
them ! I've already developed an OCD complex with my new mobile 'phone, and
simply have to keep giving it a gentle wipe with a damp piece of J-cloth,
and buffing it up with a clean tissue. Goodness know how I would keep a
bigger touch-screen clean !
Anyhoo, considering that XP end-of-life is April 8 2014, and that I
occasionally take my XP Home hd out, (of my Startech caddyless 5 1/4"
hard-disk bay), and pop in my W7 Ultimate hd in order to have a rummage
around, and try to do things in Ultimate, I keep finding that applications
are missing, need installing, and/or won't install because theyr'e too old,
and I keep abandoning tasks because so much time and money would have to
spent on upgrading application software, that there would little or no time
left to actually do what I wanted to do in the first place !
So, I plan to keep my old XP as it is, (and not use it for the internet
after April 8 2014), use my W7 Laptop, W7 Ultimate hd in my main PC for the
web and email, ...and MS and the i-pad and tablet manufacturers CAN ALL GO

best regards, Richard