Opening Cd rom tray over a network



Does Anyone know the command line code to open a CD rom tray over a network


David Candy

Never saw your question.

Should lose the attitude.

Windows Script Host

WshRemote Object
See Also
WshController Object

a.. JScript

b.. VBScript

c.. Show All

Provides access to the remote script process.

The WshRemote object allows you to remotely administer computer systems on a computer network. It represents an instance of a WSH script, i.e., a script file with one of the following extensions: .wsh, .wsf, .js, ..vbs, .jse, .vbe, and so on. An instance of a running script is a process. You can run the process either on the local machine or on a remote machine. If you do not provide a network path, it will run locally. When a WSHRemote object is created (by using the CreateScript() method), the script is copied to the target computer system. Once there, the script does not begin executing immediately; it begins executing only when the WSHRemote method Execute is invoked. Through the WshRemote object interface, your script can manipulate other programs or scripts. Additionally, external applications can also manipulate remote scripts. The WshRemote object works asynchronously over DCOM.

The following example demonstrates how the WshRemote object is used to start a remote script.

Dim Controller, RemoteScript
Set Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WSHController")
Set RemoteScript = Controller.CreateScript("test.js", "remoteserver")

Do While RemoteScript.Status <> 2
WScript.Sleep 100
var Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WSHController");
var RemoteScript = Controller.CreateScript("test.js", "remoteserver");

while (RemoteScript.Status != 2) {
Status Property | Error Property

Execute Method | Terminate Method

Start Event | End Event | Error Event

See Also
WshController Object


© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build: Topic Version 5.6.9309.1546


And a script that eject E. You can't close the draw with script.

'Note if a letter is underlined you must insert an ampersand before it.
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set MyComp=objShell.NameSpace(17)
Set CD=MyComp.ParseName("E:\")
Set Context=CD.Verbs
CD.InvokeVerb "E&ject"

'This line on are comments only
'Normally only the first line and the line below is needed for most verbs. Eject is different.
'objshell.ShellExecute "e:" ,,,"E&ject"
'object.ShellExecute(sFile [,vArguments] [,vDirectory] [,vOperation] [,vShow])


now that would not be PC...... btw thats a nasty storm in the gulf are you
going to get hit

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