Open Explorer.exe EXPANDED

  • Thread starter benathomeandretired ben
  • Start date

benathomeandretired ben

Have EXPLORER.EXE on my desktop.

How can I set it to open expanded when I click on the icon?

I want it to open showing A drive, C drive, D drive, E drive and F



Wesley Vogel

Command Line Switches for Windows Explorer

Right click Windows Explorer/Properties and type this into the Target path:

To have C: open (No folders)
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\

To have C: open expanded: %windir%\EXPLORER.EXE /e,c:

To have C: open and My Documents:
%windir%\EXPLORER.EXE /e,c:,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents

For it to open to My Documents:
explorer /n,/e,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents or
C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /n,/e,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents

To have My Documents open only (No folders):
Explorer /root, c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My Documents

If you wish to have Explorer open at My Documents on another drive, you
would use:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, f:\My Documents

To have another Drive letter assigned to opening: D for example:
C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /e, d:\

d:\ can be modified for any folder/sub-folder you like. As in:
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,d:\My Stuff

The /e switch tells Windows Explorer to open in the two pane explorer mode
and the c:\ tells it to open in folder C:\. If you omit the /e switch,
Windows Explorer opens in a single pane view.

HOW TO: Have Windows Explorer Default to the %SystemRoot% Drive When Started;en-us;257518

Command-Line Switches for Windows Explorer

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In benathomeandretired ben" <"benathomeandretired ben <"benathomeandretired
ben"> hunted and pecked:

benathomeandretired ben

Wesley said:
Command Line Switches for Windows Explorer

Right click Windows Explorer/Properties and type this into the Target path:

To have C: open (No folders)
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\

To have C: open expanded: %windir%\EXPLORER.EXE /e,c:

To have C: open and My Documents:
%windir%\EXPLORER.EXE /e,c:,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents

For it to open to My Documents:
explorer /n,/e,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents or
C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /n,/e,%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents

To have My Documents open only (No folders):
Explorer /root, c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My Documents

If you wish to have Explorer open at My Documents on another drive, you
would use:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, f:\My Documents

To have another Drive letter assigned to opening: D for example:
C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /e, d:\

d:\ can be modified for any folder/sub-folder you like. As in:
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,d:\My Stuff

The /e switch tells Windows Explorer to open in the two pane explorer mode
and the c:\ tells it to open in folder C:\. If you omit the /e switch,
Windows Explorer opens in a single pane view.

HOW TO: Have Windows Explorer Default to the %SystemRoot% Drive When Started;en-us;257518

Command-Line Switches for Windows Explorer
Thanks Wesley,

got it working , really appreciate the help.


Wesley Vogel

You betcha, Ben!

Hope this helps. Let us know.

In benathomeandretired ben" <"benathomeandretired ben <"benathomeandretired
ben"> hunted and pecked:

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