ooRexx 3.1 Beta 1 Release Available


Lee Peedin

All -

The ooRexx Development Team is pleased to announce the first beta
of ooRexx 3.1. It is available on SourceForge at


Currently the available files are

ooRexx310beta1.exe - Windows install
ooRexx-3.1.0-beta1.i386.rpm - Linux RPM
ooRexx-3.1.0-beta1.tar.gz - source tar file
ooRexx-3.1.0-beta1.zip - source zip file
ooRexx-docs-3.1.0-beta4.zip - documentation including PDFs and HTML

There will be additional release files soon including a Linux .deb
and an AIX install file. I will send out a notice when those become
available. (Note - for those of you building these additional releases
please use the source files on SourceForge to build your release)

It is very important that you remove any trace of a previous ooRexx or
REXX install from your target machine before installing the ooRexx 3.1
beta! Not heeding this warning will probably leave you with a mess on
hands :)

If you discover bugs in the beta please open a bug report on
and be sure to assign the bug to the "3.1beta" Group so we know that
applies to the beta.

And, of course, feedback on the beta is always appreciated. Enjoy!

W. David Ashley
Open Object Rexx Team

Man-wai Chang

of ooRexx 3.1. It is available on SourceForge at

I haven't touched Rexx after my placement job back in 1989 ... :)

I believe xharbour and harbour-project are better than Rexx. At least,
they got a DBF engine and user-interface functions built-in.

.~. Might, Courage, Vision, SINCERITY. http://www.linux-sxs.org
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Lee Peedin

I haven't touched Rexx after my placement job back in 1989 ... :)

I believe xharbour and harbour-project are better than Rexx. At least,
they got a DBF engine and user-interface functions built-in.

Rexx SQL (FOSS) <http://rexxsql.sourceforge.net/index.html> provides
database access, also on Windows one can use any ActiveX/OLE interface
as well.

ooDialog provides GUI and is part of ooRexx on Windows.

Rexx DW (FOSS) <http://rexxdw.sourceforge.net/index.html> is a cross
platform GUI package.

And my favorite is the use of BSF4Rexx that allows one to use any of
the Java GUI classes within ooRexx & Classic Rexx.

The entrie Rexx family has come a long way since 1989, but to each his
own. That's the beautiful thing about FOSS, one has alternatives. :)


Thorsten Duhn

It is very important that you remove any trace of a previous
ooRexx or IBM REXX install from your target machine before
installing the ooRexx 3.1 beta! Not heeding this warning will
probably leave you with a mess on your hands :)

I don't think such a note is funny. Uninstall this or that before
installing a newer version may be okay, but what does "remove any
trace" mean in real life? I have no idea, so I will not touch
this. BTW, there are tools around for creating great installers
that can take care about many pre-requirements...

I don't need any REXX at the moment, I think AutoIt is nice, but
there may be big differences. Some words on what's making ooRexx
that special would have been cool. My OS/2 times are far away...


Lee Peedin


I don't think such a note is funny. Uninstall this or that before
installing a newer version may be okay, but what does "remove any
trace" mean in real life? I have no idea, so I will not touch
this. BTW, there are tools around for creating great installers
that can take care about many pre-requirements...
Nope it's not funny and Mr. Ashley's remark really should have been
removed from the post here (my bad). The original post was made to
the ooRexx Developers list and with Mr. Ashley's permission I copied
and posted here. One would have to been involved with the transition
from IBM Object Rexx to ooRexx to appreciate his smiley face.

I don't need any REXX at the moment, I think AutoIt is nice, but
there may be big differences.

Yea, there is a big difference
Some words on what's making ooRexx
that special would have been cool.

www.oorexx.org and as Susan has already linked to in this thread
My OS/2 times are far away...
And what has that got to do with ooRexx? While you can write
applications in ooRexx that will run on OS/2, ooRexx is not available
on OS/2, just Classic Rexx & Object Rexx.

Anyway, if you need it, it's there and it's free.


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