One file in 66 parts!



After running Disk Defragmenter, I noticed that one particular file
"NTUSER.DAT.LOG", located in c:\Documents and Settings\(Username) is
reported as being divided into 66 fragments, although it is only 1kb in
size! If I attempt to open up the file in say notepad, i get a "Cannot open
the file....." message (although i can open up the same file for other user
names in notepad). Is it best /safe to delete the file or is it a vital file
or is it just an error with Disk Defragmenter?
Any thoughts appreciated.


David Candy

Why would you want to delete it. Just use XP as it was designed to be used.

1. You can't delete it.
2. If you somehow managed it you computer would not restart. And probably would crash within a few milliseconds.
3. What's it matter how many parts it is in.

It a registry transaction register.


Hi David
Thanks for your reply.
My only concern is that for my other user accounts the equivalent file is
not fragmented to anywhere near that extent and hence is it possible that
for this particular account the file has become corrupted?


David Candy

No. You wouldn't be using the computer if it was. Every registry write (up to a few hundred a secxond at times) is recorded there untill it sucessfully completes so it can roll back if not.

Log in as those other users, use the computer and see what their's is. If not that perhaps you use it mnore often.

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