Office Live forums anywhere?



Does anyone know of a user forum/ posting board for users of the new
Microsoft Office Live websites? I built my free website using their site
builder software and it is up and running, although still "under

My problem is that I setup 3 initial email accounts for my website, but
there is no way for me to check my incoming emails to the new site (example:
a customer inquiry from my "contact us" page). I sent 2 "test messages" to my
new email addresses, but they don't show up anywhere, and there's no place to
login in.

When I login to the site builder and go to the "User accounts and email"
page, all it show is the "admininstation" portion of the page

Anybody have any ideas (or other forums) for Microsoft Office Live?
Thanks in advance.


This is just a 2nd post so that I can be notified of replies. I forgot to
check the box at the bottom when I made the original post.


Big_Mack1 said:
Does anyone know of a user forum/ posting board for users of the new
Microsoft Office Live websites? I built my free website using their
site builder software and it is up and running, although still "under

My problem is that I setup 3 initial email accounts for my website,
but there is no way for me to check my incoming emails to the new site
(example: a customer inquiry from my "contact us" page). I sent 2
"test messages" to my new email addresses, but they don't show up
anywhere, and there's no place to login in.

When I login to the site builder and go to the "User accounts and
email" page, all it show is the "admininstation" portion of the page

Anybody have any ideas (or other forums) for Microsoft Office Live?
Thanks in advance.

Here is a list of all the MS newsgroups:
Perhaps you'll find something there.

For forums or messageboards, check with Google. This is Usenet, not a

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:

About Usenet: - Basics
of Usenet - a brief
explanation of newsgroups

Using Outlook Express as Newsreader:

How to Post: - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly - how to munge email address - multiposting vs.



Here's what I found out:
I also have an update for other users of Office Live's website hosting
service who are having this same problem...

I finally figured out how I can check my incoming email on my new Office
Live hosted website. Each email account that is created for an Office Live
website domain must have an existing Microsoft Passport account with a unique
** third-party** email address (such as Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo Mail) for
each email that will be setup on your new Office Live domain.

This means that if you have 5 employees that will be receiving email to 5
individual email accounts on your new website, each employee must signup for
a Passport account. When they do, they **cannot** use the domain name that
Microsoft issued as part of the Office Live package, and they cannot use the
same Passport account to check multiple email accounts.

For example, if your new Office Live website is called
"", and you have 5 email accounts that came with the
domain hosting package, then each one of the email accounts on the domain
(ex.: (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)) must have a seperate
Microsoft Passport account in order to sign into your joestrucking website
and check your email.

It seem rather redundant to have one user have to signup for 2 or 3 Passport
accounts just to check different emails coming into one website. I guess
that's one way Microsoft can direct more people to the Passport account
system. That's not bad, just redundant...

In my case, I have 2 emails that I personally want to check daily:
"(e-mail address removed)" (for inquiries directed from my Contact Us Page),
and "(e-mail address removed)" (for personal incoming company email).

I had to signup for another Passport account just to read the
"(e-mail address removed)" email.

At least I solved the issue.
Good day to you all.


Mack, I have another string going on this same issue and it is going nowhere.
Are you able to access your email within your website administration area
within OfficeLive, or are you having to go through Hotmail?


I can't access my email from the Admin area. Admin area is used for just
setting up the hosted email accounts for your new domain (and THESE email
acct's must be created via a 3rd party before you create them on your

Another problem is that I created an email account for the "Contact Us" Page
on my site, but had problems posting that email link onto the site, so I
deleted that particular name (it was (e-mail address removed)). When I tried to
put it back on the page, Office Live's webpage editor told me that now, I
can't use that email address on the site for 30 days!

So then I had to go on each one of my pages that had "info@..." on it and
edit the link to make it say "requests@...", which means I also had to create
another dang Passport account, which means I had to use another one of my 3rd
party email addresses to use as the login name for the dang Passport account.
If this goes on for much longer, I'm going to run out of spare personal email

Here's what I found out. This is a beta project, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO
HELP OR SUPPORT FROM MICROSOFT. (Sound familiar?) The email user account on
the OfficeLive website that needs to be check his email that comes into the
hosted website must login to Passport using the Passport email account that
had been previously set up. Here's the process:

1) Go to the screen, and click on the button in
the upper Rt corner that says "Go to your Office Live".
2) Login with your email that you used to sign up for the hosted OfficeLive
website. (For example, if you made an email account on the OfficeLive website
called "(e-mail address removed)", type in the passport email account that you
associated with the "info@joes.. email.
(Ex:"(e-mail address removed)")
3) When the sign-in is done, click on the link that says go to my Office
Live, and it'll take you to an admin screen (sort of...) that's where the
user can check his Office Live email in-box.

I'd much rather see a login script on the homepage of my new domain where
users can just login from there instead of having to login to Passport first.
Especially when Microsoft has found some REALLY SERIOUS SECURITY ISSUES with
Passport. Here's a link for that whold fiasco:

Another issue I have is that when I made the personal biographies page, I
found out that if you have more than 2 biographies and try to add another bio
at the bottom of the page, it will not be in the same format as the top
2/3rds of the page. Here's what I mean:

Not only that, but if you are using the FAQ's template for questions/answers
on you site and you have more than 10 questions, the same thing happens. The
11th question will not be in the same format as the top 10 on the page were.
I emailed Office Live with the issue, but no reply (Surprise...!) In my page,
I woundup using a blank "Text/Pictures" page and just pasted a table with 1
column and 11 rows on it. Here's the link for that finished page:

My only hope is that someone starts a user forum for Office Live where
others can post problems and "work-arounds" for us dummies. Microsoft sure
isn't going to help....

You can email me at shredmasters@gmail com. I have a free forum on my
personal family website. Maybe I should create another User Forum for Office
Live as well... Send me your "pubilc" email and I'll reply with my "private"
email address and we can contact each other from there.

(Sorry this reply was so long. I have a lot of issues w/Office Live...)

PS:I am heading back out the road (I train truck drivers over-the-road), and
I won't be back for about 4 weeks or so. Send me your email and I'll touch
base when I get back. Cheers!


I forgot to check the box to continue recv'g replies to this link. Ignore
this post.


I think you will get a laugh if you check out my thread in Office>Office
General Questions. It started on 2-25-06 and is headlined: "OFFICELIVE: How
to access email in an Office Live Basic service?"

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