Odd DNS Entry - bogusns TXT record



I've searched google groups to no avail. I am relatively new to DNS.
I set up a laptop yesterday. DHCP address assigned was, say,
The laptop no longer has this IP and is, in fact, turned off. But, in
Windows DNS there is no A record entry but there is a TXT record for
this DHCP IP address and it is named bogusns.

Can anyone explain what this entry is?


Ace Fekay [MVP]

Janelle said:
I've searched google groups to no avail. I am relatively new to DNS.
I set up a laptop yesterday. DHCP address assigned was, say,
The laptop no longer has this IP and is, in fact, turned off. But, in
Windows DNS there is no A record entry but there is a TXT record for
this DHCP IP address and it is named bogusns.

Can anyone explain what this entry is?


Is there anything in the Event log? Is this DNS a mutlihomed machine? What
OS and service pack level is this?
Sounds like a problem that happened to BIND servers when they are open to
attack with a new BIND release back in 1996. Make sure you set "Secure Cache
against Pollution" under DNS properties.


Please direct all replies ONLY to the Microsoft public newsgroups
so all can benefit.

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and confers no rights.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services

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