O/S will not start.



After I turn my computer on and before "Windows is starting..." screen,
my computer freezes showing the blue screen with following message:

" STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure}
The Registry cannot load the hive (file)
or its log or alternate.
It is corrupt, absent, or not writable."

I have not installed any new software/hardware prior to this.
I just shutdown my computer last night, and tried to turn it on this morning
and I get the above message. Tried to start windows in safe mode, but no
luck, same screen with same message appears. So far, I have tried fixboot
command and installed another windows xp on the same c: drive in different
folder therefore I am able to access the files. I am looking for an answer
other than formatting the drive in which I will need to re-install every
single program I have ever installed along with all the files in my "My
Document" folder which does not allow me to access.

Colin Barnhorst

Have you tried a repair install, which does not disturb your files and apps?

R. McCarty

If you did a side-by-side install on the same volume, you've likely wiped
out both the Program Files and Documents and Settings folder trees. To
replace an unloadable Registry Hive see the following MS KB article:
Doing a Side-by-Side install to the same disk/volume can install XP to a
folder other than \Windows but it will overwrite Program Files and the
Documents and Settings that pre-existed with the earlier XP instance.

Patrick Keenan

helpMePlease said:
After I turn my computer on and before "Windows is starting..." screen,
my computer freezes showing the blue screen with following message:

" STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure}
The Registry cannot load the hive (file)
or its log or alternate.
It is corrupt, absent, or not writable."

One of the causes of this message is physical disk or other hardware damage
or failure. These aren't healable via software, you have to replace

.... how recent did you say your backups were?
I have not installed any new software/hardware prior to this.

Similar to how brakes wear on cars, it's not necessary for you to have
purposely changed things.
I just shutdown my computer last night, and tried to turn it on this
and I get the above message. Tried to start windows in safe mode, but no
luck, same screen with same message appears. So far, I have tried fixboot
command and installed another windows xp on the same c: drive in different
folder therefore I am able to access the files. I am looking for an
other than formatting the drive in which I will need to re-install every
single program I have ever installed along with all the files in my "My
Document" folder which does not allow me to access.

This method may allow you to swap in previous versions of the registry.
Note that if System Restore is turned off and there are no restore points,
it can't reproduce your software installs.

It's usually easy to take an inventory of installed software via the folder
names in the Program Files structure.

The access issue is quickly and easily solved. Google "Take Ownership XP"
and you'll find the method appropriate to your version of Windows:

However, you should consider *why* this has happened, and since the
possibilty includes hardware failure, the impact on your data vs. cost of
replacement hardware.

It's possible that you may be lucky enough to only have to do a clean
install to a new drive (hopefully not attached to a new motherboard with a
non-failing controller) and reinstall the apps.


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