ntfs partitions



I have xp installed on a comupter with a 40 gig drive. I
have an ntfs partition setup. I was trying to boot into
it today it would not come up. I tried using fdisk from a
bootable floppy and it said not partitions found and
wants to create a 19 gig partition. I have data on the
remaining 21gig.


But what's on that bootable floppy? Which OS?

An older OS would not recognize NTFS, and therefore eagerly offer to format
a partition. That does not mean that the partition isn't there.

Were you able to boot from the NTFS, before? Are your system files loaded
on that partition?

What happens when you boot with the XP CD? Can you do a Repair
installation? (Not a re-installation... a Repair)

More info.... gotta have some more info.

Better days,
-Lawrence in Seattle

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