Not able to remove spy wallpaper



Nepatsfan said:
Did you ask this guy before you stole his program?

Dave's World


It's amazing how similar his program is to the one you say you

In case you're not familiar with the term, that's plagiarism. I
can think of only a few things in this world that are worse
than being a plagiarist. And please don't tell me you're Dave.
This split personality thing you've got working is starting to
get out of hand.

Or how about Microsoft. Did you ask them for permission to
include taskkill.exe as part of your folder?
Taskkill.exe is only included with the XP Professional Support
Tools. There's no way you got permission to provide a Microsoft
product through your web site.


Tom said:
Why don't you tell the op how to fix his system without
downloading a program. The program I told him to get can
ONLY be download from me because I wrote it. You have a lot
to learn about spyware, what it does and how to remove it.
It is obvious to me that you know NOTHING!. I have a right
to be arrogant when people like you attack my character and
accuse me of illegally hosting files and stealing others
work. If I was stealing work and illegally hosting files
then the Author of those files would make me stop.

Tom Jones, pcbutts1, Ali Akbar, whatever you choose to call yourself,

You did not write the smitRem (or smithrem as you have renamed it), I
did. I see you have updated it to the latest version however, which is
2.7 and uses swreg.exe and process.exe instead of the MS files reg.exe
and taskkill.exe........problem is, you're such an idiot that you
failed to replace my name with yours everywhere it appears in the tool.
I'd bet you don't even know where swreg comes from..........or why it's

Please remove my tool from your site, and refrain from stealing other
people's work in the future. You should also stop illegally hosting
known trusted applications, such as Spybot and Ad-aware, without their
consent. It's all just very unethical and will gain you nothing but a
reputation for the same.


I'm just backing up noahdfear here. I have personally witnessed the
development of the smitrem tool and even participated in it's
development somewhat indirectly. I do know for a fact that he is the
author and you are not Tom Jones, pcbutts1 or whoever the heck you are.

I can guarantee you that this little charade of yours is going to get a
lot of attention now and the appropriate actions will be taken. Your
days are numbered!


noahdfear said:
Tom Jones, pcbutts1, Ali Akbar, whatever you choose to call yourself,

You did not write the smitRem (or smithrem as you have renamed it), I
did. I see you have updated it to the latest version however, which is
2.7 and uses swreg.exe and process.exe instead of the MS files reg.exe
and taskkill.exe........problem is, you're such an idiot that you
failed to replace my name with yours everywhere it appears in the tool.
I'd bet you don't even know where swreg comes from..........or why it's

Please remove my tool from your site, and refrain from stealing other
people's work in the future. You should also stop illegally hosting
known trusted applications, such as Spybot and Ad-aware, without their
consent. It's all just very unethical and will gain you nothing but a
reputation for the same.

I also have to insist that you remove *nailfix.exe* from your download
site. Neither I, nor Swandog46, nor Miekemoes have authorized you to
host this file. Considering the number of unauthorized files you are
hosting, I will be contacting your ISP and hosting provider to have
your site suspended until the unauthorized files are removed. I am
aware that Lavasoft, Microsoft and other publishers/authors of the
unauthorized downloads you are hosting are being contacted, and several
of those are in a position to pursue legal action as well.


I'm just backing up noahdfear here. I have personally witnessed the
development of the smitrem tool and even participated in it's
development somewhat indirectly. I do know for a fact that he is the
author and you are not Tom Jones, pcbutts1 or whoever the heck you are.

I can guarantee you that this little charade of yours is going to get a
lot of attention now and the appropriate actions will be taken. Your
days are numbered!

Any vendor/developer that has been ripped off by pcbutts1 only needs to

Interland Shared Abuse Department
Interland, Inc.
303 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30303
(e-mail address removed)

You need to provide the following in the Subject:
Subject: / / Abuse

Then the link to the pirated file
Then the link showing that you own the file(s)

Any posts showing that he's published it anywhere

Any other information that might prove you created/own the real files.


Tom said:
The program I told him to get can
ONLY be download from me because I wrote it.

If YOU wrote the program.. How does it come I don't know you? And why
is my name in it then??
I hope you'll learn your lesson very soon!!!!


As an Administrator for, I can personally vouch for
noahdfears' credibility. Not only is he a fellow Staff member, he is
also a close personal friend. I have personally witnessed the creation
of this tool, as well as all subsequent updates and revisions. I even
sat on the phone talking to Dave not long ago as he worked on this last
It is pathetic and sad that you continue to try and claim this work as
your own. After visiting your site, I recognized more than 20
programs/tools that you do NOT own, did NOT write, and I guarantee do
NOT have authorization to be offering for download.
Count me in as another person contacting the proper authorities
tomorrow, both online ones, and ones in your hometown.

Kat Admin Team


Kat said:
As an Administrator for, I can personally vouch for
noahdfears' credibility. Not only is he a fellow Staff member, he is
also a close personal friend. I have personally witnessed the creation
of this tool, as well as all subsequent updates and revisions. I even
sat on the phone talking to Dave not long ago as he worked on this last
It is pathetic and sad that you continue to try and claim this work as
your own. After visiting your site, I recognized more than 20
programs/tools that you do NOT own, did NOT write, and I guarantee do
NOT have authorization to be offering for download.
Count me in as another person contacting the proper authorities
tomorrow, both online ones, and ones in your hometown.

Kat Admin Team



What a complete utter idiot you really are

You think you can get away with claiming this to be your work when it's
clearly not?

What's wrong, are you jealous of noahdfear's hard work so you have to

Just give it up, we out number you big time.

As said above the proper authorities will be contacted.


Originally Posted by Tom Jones
The program I told him to get can
ONLY be download from me because I wrote it

You did not make the program I hope you get whats coming to you. You
sad pathetic losser.


Hell hath no fury like the determination of a society YOU ****ed off.
you took a chance, and now i hope you burn! :D


Originally Posted by Tom Jones
The program I told him to get can
ONLY be download from me because I wrote it


Tom Jones, pcbutts1, Ali Akbar or what ever this lowlifes user name


The proper authorities will be notified and you will not have a pot to
**** in.

Clean up that.....


noahdfear said:
Tom Jones, pcbutts1, Ali Akbar, whatever you choose to call yourself,

You did not write the smitRem (or smithrem as you have renamed it),
did. I see you have updated it to the latest version however, which i
2.7 and uses swreg.exe and process.exe instead of the MS files reg.ex
and taskkill.exe........problem is, you're such an idiot that yo
failed to replace my name with yours everywhere it appears in the tool
I'd bet you don't even know where swreg comes from..........or why it'

Please remove my tool from your site, and refrain from stealing othe
people's work in the future. You should also stop illegally hostin
known trusted applications, such as Spybot and Ad-aware, without thei
consent. It's all just very unethical and will gain you nothing but
reputation for the same.

You know it's really pathetic when somone has to steal from someon
else. I saw all the conception of Nailfix.exe, and smitre, and I kno
you didn't make them because they were primarily made and tested a

I can also guarantee if I find that you have other fellow malwar
removal programs that friends of mine made, they will be notified.
think its convenient how you hide the parent list of files you ar
stealing so no one else can find out what you're doing.

for this I only have one thing to say....ROT IN HELL YOU THEIF


Narcissists, like this jerk, love the attention.. Can't get enough o

Hope you've had your fill. Bye-bye


Helping is the key word here. I help them fix their problems with
working verified direct solutions that work. You can't dispute that,
can because my answers are correct. Since my answers can't be disputed
lamers have to attack the way I give my answers. Do you really think
person with the problems care about whether he clicks thru a
site just to download a free program?.They want the problem fixed which
why they came here in the first place. They want answers. They do not
ant to
be shoved off to another forum or website, have to register, retype
issue, then wait again for another answer, in the mean time they still
a problem. When you send them to a link and say try this, this may
those are guesses and there is nothing wrong with that because there is
attempt to fix the problem. Sending them to another group to ask again
not helping. I give answers. My answers have never been wrong. You
David, Max, and now Nepatsfan have nothing better to do but attack me.
changed my name to stay away from people like you and this group has
better off because of it.
You have maybe 2 valid points there,
1- people are looking for help
2 -help them fix their problems with valid
working verified direct solutions that work.

The fact we know smitrem works is it has been tested over and over
again modified, updated and monitored by the creator of this tool
*noahdfear* and many other highly regarded and respected members of the
community. I like flrman have seen and been involved both directly and
indirectly along with most of the most recent poster to this topic from
the start of this project. Countless hours were and still are put into
this tool and its upkeep and maintaining it.

You can claim that "Leythos,
David, Max, and now Nepatsfan " have nothing better to do then to
follow you around and change your name so you can hide, I can tell you
that the recent replies are just a small amount of the many that will
follow that have seen first hand the hard work noahdfear has put into
this tool.
What your doing is criminal and like most criminals you try to hide
your identity
Do you really think the
person with the problems care about whether he clicks thru a
site just to download a free program?.
This is a mind blowing comment, So what your saying is people should
just click on a download that claims to help them, Hmm don't ya think
for one second its probably what got them in the first place ?

Again your right the tool does work the problem is , Its not your work
so stop trying to pass it off as that,
I also have to insist that you remove nailfix.exe from your download
site. Neither I, nor Swandog46, nor Miekemoes have authorized you to
host this file.
From racopper ^

And we will and can all confirm that is their work as well,
I have come to know most of these people for some time and had the
honor and pleasure to work very closely with them and they are all
stand up people, They are brilliant people and kind enough to share
their knowledge and with the creation of their tools allow many of us
the ability to help thousands of people.
And we don't bounce forum to forum pretending to be something we are
not or someone we are not.

In short the simple answer is do the right thing !!!!


What a tool!!!

I honestly hope you get what coming to you. I think it's time you
Mommie and Dady took away your Barbie Computer.

noadhfear's "*smitrem*" tool has been a godsend to the victims who hav
been infected by the "Nasty's" and for you to call it yours is just pur

By the way love your new Web Site =

What a tool!!


~Mark said:
Narcissists, like this jerk, love the attention.. Can't get enough o

Hope you've had your fill. Bye-bye.

i bet he doesnt like the attention i'd be giving him

i my country we have a way to deal with scum like him:
take em behind the sauna and shoot them in the head

dobhar, i just love that webpage MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


illukka said:
i bet he doesnt like the attention i'd be giving him

i my country we have a way to deal with scum like him:
take em behind the sauna and shoot them in the head

dobhar, i just love that webpage MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I agree, Illukka. I'm not sure what's your problem, but I can say for
sure Noahdfear wrote SmitRem. Get that file the hell out of your list
along with other files you DID NOT WRITE.
i my country we have a way to deal with scum like him:
take em behind the sauna and shoot them in the head
Perfect plan.


noahdfear said:
Tom Jones, pcbutts1, Ali Akbar, whatever you choose to call yourself,

You did not write the smitRem (or smithrem as you have renamed it), I

I am a malware remover at Geeks to Go, and I am very proud to be
associated with some of the best people in the business. Not only are
these exceptional people intelligent, they are also the most helpful
people I have ever met.

If I ever have a problem with malware that the appropriate tool does
not solve, I talk or write to the author. I can confirm that I have
written to Noahdfear as the author of the smitrem and received useful
advice in return.

To my knowledge I have never written to you under the veil of any of
the aliases you use, simply because you are not the author.

You should desist from claiming to be the author, remove the programme
from your site forthwith and apologise publicly. However having
witnessed your despicable behaviour in this thread and elsewhere, I am
going to predict that you will not; your ego is too big.

I am of the opinion that the full weight of the judicial system should
be used against you, and furthermore, that you should be used as an
example to others who may wish to blatantly dupe the public as to their

I hope my post here is the harbinger of justice and your punishment.

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