Norton System Works installation problems



I have tried a number of times to install Norton System Works on my current
computer which I now have for two years. I have no anti-virus software
installed and feel vulnerable as I spend a lot of time online and have a
high-speed Internet connection. I really liked NSW on my last computer. This
machine is running Windows XP Home and I'm trying to install NSW 2003. I
previously tried to install NSW 2002 Pro without success. At that time, as
far as I remember, Symantec Tech Support told me that that version wasn't
fully supported under Windows XP.

When I try to install NSW 2003, the intallation process starts and then a
couple of minutes into it, I get error message 1303: "The installer has
insufficient provileges to access this directory C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Symantec Shared\Log." At this
stage I cancel the installation. Could anyone tell me if there is likely to
be some security setting in windows preventing the installation? Before
attempting to install, I close all open programs, shut down my Internet
connection and close out my firewall software. I've looked for info on this
particular error message on the NSW site but found nothing.

I just bought McAfee antivirus and think I will install that if I can't
resolve the issue with NSW. I would be grateful for any suggestions.


Since you tried to install a previous version of NSW 2002 Pro, it could be
that the subdirectory was created during that install and now the new
installation of NSW 2003 is trying to gain access to that directory during

I would make sure any remnants of NSW 2002 Pro are completely removed. That
includes checking the Control Panel Add/Remove AND manually deleting any
existing Symantec subdirectories which often are not removed during an
uninstall. In other words, delete any subdirectories below and including
Symantec. Reboot and try the installation again. You might want to run the
error by Norton's/Symantec's web support as well.


Thank Joe. I think I've been though the uninstall process a number of times
before. Since it has never installed successfully, Add/Remove don't work,
but each time Symantec folders appear which I manually delete. This time,
I'm going to use Symantec's manual uninstall instructions including editing
the registry. I think I've also been through this before but since I didn't
make a note of what I did, I'd better try it one last time. Last time I did
ask Symantec about the error message I received, but just got a canned
response which didn't help me solve the problem.

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