Norton Internet Security AAAAAHH!!



I have recently built myself a nice shiney new PC. My original
configuration was XP Pro Sp2, Norton AV 2005. I decided to upgrade to
NIS 2005 so I could stop me kids accessing all those horrible sites out
there which prompted me to uninstall AV 2005 which I duely did.
Install went fine and with some firewall teething trouble but all is
fine. Now for the problem.

Whenever I try to use Add or Remove using either Installshield/Windows
Installer the app hangs. Tried upgrading the to WI 3.1(2) which
wouldn't go on unless in Safe Mode(windows only services). Also
unusual everytime I try to stop IIS i get a service not responding to
command type message.

Neither InstallShield or Windows Installer ever throw an error even if
left for 1/2 hour.

Help please. All I can see at the moment is a long evening of
formatting and inserting CD's

R. McCarty

Search Symantec's Knowledge Base articles, which are about the
last avenue left when having Norton issues. NIS-2005 is a very
bloated, resource hungry application. Upgrading or removing NIS
can be a nightmare with Registry edits, Uninstall/Re-Install......
Make sure you've run/re-run Live Update until everything is at the
latest revision. Also check your System & Application event logs
as NIS-2005 has around 7-9 Services that start at Bootup and
can cause all types of "Quirks & Anomalies". Your best solution
is to remove NIS, get a refund and purchase a better/cheaper
Security setup.


I have recently built myself a nice shiney new PC. My original
configuration was XP Pro Sp2, Norton AV 2005. I decided to upgrade to
NIS 2005 so I could stop me kids accessing all those horrible sites out
there which prompted me to uninstall AV 2005 which I duely did.
Install went fine and with some firewall teething trouble but all is
fine. Now for the problem.

Whenever I try to use Add or Remove using either Installshield/Windows
Installer the app hangs. Tried upgrading the to WI 3.1(2) which
wouldn't go on unless in Safe Mode(windows only services). Also
unusual everytime I try to stop IIS i get a service not responding to
command type message.

Neither InstallShield or Windows Installer ever throw an error even if
left for 1/2 hour.

Help please. All I can see at the moment is a long evening of
formatting and inserting CD's

What makes you think this is related to NIS? You stated that it started
happening after upgrading WI; and you had to install it in safe mode...(Did
a bell go ding?).

Use system restore and restore to a time before you botched the install of
WI, and I bet it will be fine.

Despite the nay-sayers, NIS is not bloatware. On a properly configured
system, it has no more impact on performance than any other Security Suite,
and much less than the Zone Alarm or McAfee Internet Security Suites.



Actually the screw up was first noted when I tried to update Doom 3
which uses Install Shield this just hung doing nothing. I then tried
to remove an app from add/remove which didn't work so I thought I try
and update the installer in case it had got screwed up for some reason.
When I tried to install teh new msi it failed when booted up in normal
mode but worked fine when booted up in safe mode with NIS turned
off(same user account).
I have re-run live update manually about 20 times.

I also have noticed since the install that Indexing Service has screwed
up so badly that I now have to disable the service.

Re-install XP from from scratch time?


Actually the screw up was first noted when I tried to update Doom 3
which uses Install Shield this just hung doing nothing. I then tried
to remove an app from add/remove which didn't work so I thought I try
and update the installer in case it had got screwed up for some reason.
When I tried to install teh new msi it failed when booted up in normal
mode but worked fine when booted up in safe mode with NIS turned
off(same user account).
I have re-run live update manually about 20 times.

I also have noticed since the install that Indexing Service has screwed
up so badly that I now have to disable the service.

Re-install XP from from scratch time?

If you do not have a restore point from prior to the problem, a repair
installation might be a better choice.



Just had a look at something. When I try to update windows installer
it says at the toip stopping services but in teh status it says
creating restore point. could this affect it?

Darrell S

R. McCarty said:
Search Symantec's Knowledge Base articles, which are about the
last avenue left when having Norton issues. NIS-2005 is a very
bloated, resource hungry application. Upgrading or removing NIS
can be a nightmare with Registry edits, Uninstall/Re-Install......
Make sure you've run/re-run Live Update until everything is at the
latest revision. Also check your System & Application event logs
as NIS-2005 has around 7-9 Services that start at Bootup and
can cause all types of "Quirks & Anomalies". Your best solution
is to remove NIS, get a refund and purchase a better/cheaper
Security setup.

Gee, I recently upgraded to NIS 2005 and it works like a champ. With its
new spam checking I was able to discontinue use of Mail Washer. Between Cox
spam checking and NIS spam checking I only have to deal with 1 or 2 spams a
day compared to over a hundred before using Cox and NIS. I like the new
Block Traffic icon. Since I'm on cable it's a handy way to stop intrusions
while leaving my computer on for maintenance activities. It loads faster on
bootup then my previous version of Norton.
I agree it's a little bloated with capabilities but I use them all except
for Parental Control.

Darrell R. Schmidt
B-58 Hustler History:

R. McCarty

That's good that you like it. Perhaps the problem when you "Drop"
a product or vendor is you tend to get out of touch with updates. I've
not had any experience with the updated NIS-2005 that has Spyware
features in it. I've just had so many problems with upgrades and issues
with uninstalls - I've stopped using Symantec entirely, but I guess I'll
just stop giving the universal "Thumbs Down" recommendation, unless
somebody specifically asks about NIS/NAV...


She's back
I got home couldn't restore without going into safe mode(just hung
there). Restored to couple of days prior to upgrade.
Rebooted still had problems with certain bit so uninstalled IIS IS and
all the other related bits(this i think was the prob)
Uninstalled NAV and .NET 1.1 before even putting the NIS disk in.
Installed NIS(rebooted didn't finish installation)
Rebooted. Uninstalled NIS. Rebooted. Installed NIS no probs
activated/updated successfully. Installed .NET 1.1, reinstalled IIS(No
IS anymore) and touch wood all is fine(maybe even better than ever).
I think that IIS and IS got in a knot with NF and that caused a knock

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