Norton Antivirus Error when opening Office files



How fix error 'Norton Antivirus no support Repair feature'. I read previous
post for this error, but I uninstalled Norton's to use another product. The
folders do not exist that are listed in the symantec solition. Hoe do I stop
the attempt for Norton program initiation.


By trawling through Symantec web site for details, or download utility, to
permenently remove which ever version you used.


Pretty evasive action. I found the answer on another blog. Symantec website
is not geared to answering the problem unless you are going to continue using
their product. Furthermore reinstalling isn't possible either because the
second install fails due to files left behind, cause the install to think you
already have it installed. You go around in circles on their site unless you
look for tools specifically for going beyond add/remove program untility
uninstall. The tools are usually recommended to run from their website, that
failed too. I had to manually download several tools I found on the blog and
execute them. The source of the tools WAS in fact symantec, but no obvious
ways to get to the tools jumps out to help the user. I found the blog by
going to and typing in more verbous questions as that search engine
seems to respond better in that respect. "How do I get rid of Norton's"

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