No sound


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
I have an HP DC7900 running W7 Home Premium. It is really just used for browsing and crunching. Today I stuck an Asus Geforce 210 graphics card in it, and since have had no sound. Device manager shows drivers are installed as in image attached, but icon on taskbar says different. Have tried everything, even going back to factory image. Don't know what to do next other than buy a cheapo sound card and install that.
What happens if you take the graphics card back out, does the sound work again? I'm guessing you're using an integrated sound chip on the motherboard?
Tried everything from the link with no joy. All I am left with is what is in the image below. Ordered a cheapo USB sound stick from Amazon and we will see what happens. I reckon it has something to do with the nVidia sound drivers for HDMI.. My Asus VW225D is using VGA

Ok I think I have come up with a solution. Going to remove the graphics cards and restart machine and let onboard graphics drivers install. Then do a factory reinstall. Once that is done I will install graphics card and install latest driver from USB, and select custom and NOT install sound drivers. Fingers crossed.
What happens if you dont install the NV HD audio?
Problem solved. Did a fresh install of W7 Home Premium. A mate of mine said it is most likely the Lenovo driver manager causing the problem. Why this was installed on a HP computer I don't know. I will email RBU and ask them :-)