No "slider" in the IE7 Tools | Privacy window



According to the IE7 Help, when I go to the Privacy window I should be able
to use a "slider" to change my settings. When I go to Privacy there's no
"slider". There is, however a "slider" in Security, but it only goes to
medium. (I'm trying to reset my cookies, which I can't find in the Security
section where I thought they were managed).

I'm confused when the Help points me to something that's not there.

Bottom line: how can I reset IE to allow cookies and what's going on with
the "slider" discrepancy noted above?


PA Bear

What's stated in the section "Change your privacy settings" in IE7 Help is
simply wrong. (It would appear that the IE Team did not update the section
for IE7.)

Those using IE7 are asked to post their comments & questions to and seek
support in microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

On the web:

In your newsreader:

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