Command to reset the WAVE volume level?



I'm looking for a command to reset the WAVE volume slider to a
preset level.


This is the problem. When I play my movie player (I use GOM) it
resets the volume level for WAVE files.

After using GOM I have to run the Master Volume window and drag the
WAVE slider back to where I want it. Or I have to run another audio
application and reset the WAVE volume with that.

Is there an single command to set the WAVE volume to a preset level?
Maybe there are some parameters which go with the SNDVOL32 command?



I'm looking for a command to reset the WAVE volume slider to a
preset level.


This is the problem. When I play my movie player (I use GOM) it
resets the volume level for WAVE files.

After using GOM I have to run the Master Volume window and drag the
WAVE slider back to where I want it. Or I have to run another audio
application and reset the WAVE volume with that.

Is there an single command to set the WAVE volume to a preset level?
Maybe there are some parameters which go with the SNDVOL32 command?


There are some nice Autohotkey scripts to control sound volume. I use
one with Winkey-Arrow keys.

Save the following as volume.ahk. Associate .ahk files with the
autohotkey program and put the script into your startup folder.


; For transparency.


SoundSet +1
SoundSet, +1, wave
gosub, vupdt

SoundSet -1
SoundSet, -1, wave
gosub, vupdt

SoundSet, -0, Microphone, mute
IfWinExist, volume
SoundGet, m_m, Microphone, mute
if m_m = On
GuiControl,, R, 0
GuiControl,, R, 1
SetTimer,label, 2000
Gosub, show

SoundSet, -0, MASTER, mute
IfWinExist, volume
SoundGet, v_m, master, mute
if v_m = On
GuiControl,, Pic1,*icon40 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmsys.cpl
GuiControl,, Pic1, *icon1 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmsys.cpl
SetTimer,label, 2000
Gosub, show
;This routine is isolated to avoid icon flashing
IfWinExist, volume
SoundGet, master_volume
GuiControl,, MP, %master_volume%
SetTimer,label, 2000
Gosub, show

SoundGet, master_volume
SoundGet, m_m, Microphone, mute
SoundGet, v_m, master, mute

IfWinNotExist, volume
Gui, Color, 000000 ; < -- added
Gui, +ToolWindow -Caption +0x400000 +alwaysontop
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x3 y12 w40 h45 cblack,
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x3 y60 w40 h35 cblack, Mic:
Gui, Add, text, x10 y1 ,Volume:
Gui, Add, Progress,vertical vMP x45 y18 w13 h77 c333cc,%master_volume%
Gui, Add, checkbox, vR x16 y75 w15 h15 cblue,
if v_m = On
Gui, Add, pic, x7 y22 vPic1 icon40, C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmsys.cpl
Gui, Add, pic, x7 y22 vPic1 icon1, C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmsys.cpl
if m_m = On
GuiControl,, R, 0
GuiControl,, R, 1
Gui, Show, NoActivate x720 y460 h100 w60, volume
Gui, +LastFound ; < -- added
WinSet, TransColor, 000000 ; < -- added
SetTimer,label, 2000

SetTimer,label, off
Gui, destroy

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