No control buttons on title bar (no minimize, restore or close)



A friend asked me to take a look at a workbook he has. When it opens, it cannot be resized, it does not have any control buttons (minimize, maximize or restore, and close) and does not have the other control menu on the left. It only has the filename of the workbook displayed completely flush left within the titlebar

Has anyone got any ideas? I've read through a million posts and can find nothing.

P.S. It does the same no matter where it is opened, and it's not in full screen view and it's not the problem mentioned in other posts involving Novell Groupware

Many thanks if you can help!


Had the same problem as you. I browsed through literally
hundreds of posts, searched MS Knowledge base... Nothing.

I had been creating a form for my coworker, so I had
password-protected the worksheet. Although I still can't
understand how this could have been the cause, in
desperation I removed the protection from the entire
worksheet as the last solution I could come up with.

As a result the worksheet window maximized immediately.
Case closed.

Verify if your friend was using password protection. If
he has, get the password and remove password protection
from the entire worksheet.

Hope that helps,
-----Original Message-----
A friend asked me to take a look at a workbook he has.
When it opens, it cannot be resized, it does not have any
control buttons (minimize, maximize or restore, and
close) and does not have the other control menu on the
left. It only has the filename of the workbook displayed
completely flush left within the titlebar.
Has anyone got any ideas? I've read through a million posts and can find nothing.

P.S. It does the same no matter where it is opened, and
it's not in full screen view and it's not the problem
mentioned in other posts involving Novell Groupware.

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