page not loading


Jan Il

Hi Mark :)

You might try the following and see if it helps"

Update your script engine: For 2000 and XP go to


Recreating the cache, history and cookie folders when corrupted

See and

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Robert Aldwinckle

Mark said:
Hi all when i try to go to this
page: Nine News

it will not load properly

Is this fixed now? The only unusual things that I noticed at the
site were: their inline scripts are "Encoded" and they don't specify
a characterset. Consequently with Encoding set to Auto-Select
I found that Baltic (Windows) was being chosen as the characterset
at first! Then I switched Auto-Select off and forced Western European
(Windows) to be selected. Then I switched Auto-Select back on
and found that Western European (Windows) was still being selected.
I was expecting it to select a characterset based on the data but
perhaps if it isn't specified and the data gives no clues it just sticks
with whatever the current encoding is?

i have had no problems with it up to now i
get the following message

Line: 289
Char: 4
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

i am using XP sp2 ie6 version 6.0.2900

any ideas?

You haven't mentioned your security settings. HTC could be
blocked by them. In any case, I don't like the idea of letting
unknown content, script or program extensions, run on my machine.
Using obfuscated code may only be a matter of protecting
intellectual property but it is also a good way to hide malicious intentions.

FWIW the files are cached so you can drag them to a
Notepad window to at least see the headers for this object:

<public:component lightWeight="false">
<public:attach event="ondocumentready" onevent="Main()"/>
<public:method name="GetMediaFromGuid"/>
<public:method name="Cancel"/>
<public:method name="PlayEvent"/>
<public:method name="EndAd"/>
<public:method name="Play"/>
<public:method name="AddPL"/>
<public:method name="MDlink"/>
<public:method name="Glink"/>
<public:method name="GetCkVal"/>
<public:method name="PromptInvite"/>
<public:method name="PromptSurvey"/>
<public:method name="TaxTimeout"/>
<public:property name="adPlaying" internalname="_adPlaying"/>

Unfortunately the error message is only designed to help those
with access to the script source and doesn't even give us a clue
about which method or which object it is complaining about.


Robert Aldwinckle


It seems to be a problem with ninemsn i have been away for a couple of
days but it seems to be ok now

Thanks to all for your help

Robert Aldwinckle

Sunny said:
What would be nice:
Some way of stopping Hotmail redirecting me to ninemsm every time I "sign Out".
It's some sweetheart deal between nine msm (Aust) and Microsoft.
Work around is; Stop Button > Home.
Is their a better way ?

Depends on the implementation.
If it is being done by Meta HTTP-Equiv Refresh in the HTML source
you could inhibit that (at the expense of also inhibiting other such
redirects which you might want done), by using the Security option
[Disable] Allow Meta Refresh


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