New XP SP2 installation and Windows Explorer locks up on D: drive.



I have noticed a problem with using Windows Explorer, I recently
reinstalled WindowsXP Home and then installed the XP2 service pack.
I have found that if I launch Windows Explorer and click on the C:
root folder it works fine, and the same for the CD-ROM drives if I
have a disk in them at the time, however if I click on the D: root
folder the Windows Explorer will lock for about 30 sec then work again
after which I can move around the sub folders with out a problem, on
the other hand, if I launch Windows Explorer and go and click on the
[+] to the side of the D: root folder the drive works fine.
D: drive was not formatted and I am in the process of reinstalling the
programs that was dependant on the system files installed on C: drive.

There are no error messages, if I try to hurry Windows Explorer when
it is locked it puts the Windows Explorer - Not Responding in the top
left of the screen until it is ready to work again.

Any ideas on how to fix this.

Western Digital WD400BB 40gb ATA-100 7200rpm C:formatted to - NTFS
Western Digital WD800JB 80gb ATA-100 7200rpm D:formatted to - FAT32



I have had similar problems with Explorer. To resolve it, I open Task Manager
(Control, Alt, Del) and end 'Explorer.exe' from the processes. Then I go to
'File' open a new program, fiond Explorer.exe and re-open it. I know it's not
the right way to do it, that's why I'm hoping someone will provide a better
way. Should one reinstall explorer???

yogi said:
I have noticed a problem with using Windows Explorer, I recently
reinstalled WindowsXP Home and then installed the XP2 service pack.
I have found that if I launch Windows Explorer and click on the C:
root folder it works fine, and the same for the CD-ROM drives if I
have a disk in them at the time, however if I click on the D: root
folder the Windows Explorer will lock for about 30 sec then work again
after which I can move around the sub folders with out a problem, on
the other hand, if I launch Windows Explorer and go and click on the
[+] to the side of the D: root folder the drive works fine.
D: drive was not formatted and I am in the process of reinstalling the
programs that was dependant on the system files installed on C: drive.

There are no error messages, if I try to hurry Windows Explorer when
it is locked it puts the Windows Explorer - Not Responding in the top
left of the screen until it is ready to work again.

Any ideas on how to fix this.

Western Digital WD400BB 40gb ATA-100 7200rpm C:formatted to - NTFS
Western Digital WD800JB 80gb ATA-100 7200rpm D:formatted to - FAT32

I would appear that our problem is beyond fixing, I have downloaded
another file manager and it works perfectly, you might want to have a
look and try it for yourself SirDespard.

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