Network password request



I have networked 3 computers. Two with XPh and one with 98se. My "main"
computer (XPh) can access the other two. However when they try to access it I
get prompted to supply a password for the resource \\Main\IPC$.
I have assigned no password. How do I get my two other computers to access
my main one?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

I have networked 3 computers. Two with XPh and one with 98se. My "main"
computer (XPh) can access the other two. However when they try to access it I
get prompted to supply a password for the resource \\Main\IPC$.
I have assigned no password. How do I get my two other computers to access
my main one?

Run the Network Setup Wizard on the Main computer -- that usually
fixes the problem. Don't run the Wizard on the other computers, even
if it tells you to.

If that doesn't fix the problem, make sure that the Guest account is
enabled for network access on the Main computer and that the Guest
account doesn't have a password:

1. Enter this command in the Start | Run box, then click OK:

net user guest /active:yes

2. Enter this command in the Start | Run box, then click OK:

control userpasswords2

3. Click Guest.

4. Click Reset Password.

5. Click OK without entering a new password.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Many thanks Steve

I have tried both and the stubborn message still remains prompting me for a
password to connect to my main pc.
Any further ideas?


Have you tried connecting to any of the other hidden shares on
that machine such as \\mainPC\C$ or \\mainPC\print$? What
happens then?

Have you created and shared any folders on your main pc and tried
to access those, e.g. \\mainPC\SharedFolder? What happens then?



it seem i can connect to internet with main, but poor win98 ..
need to enter network password to access \main\ipc$ ...
but i cannot recall when i set password.

the last time , win98 can access the xp w/o password.
after , "service" of win xp.
NOW, require it....

pls help .....


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