Network functions but I cannot access internet



I am networking a laptop to my PC with a wireless connection. My PC accesses the internet through Direcway satellite. The satellite modem is connected to the PC through USB. I have an ethernet card in the PC that goes to a D-Link wireless router. The laptop and the PC comunicate but I cannot access the internet with the Laptop. My Direcway satellite connection is enabled and shared. I have followed the instructions I found from Microsoft but it will not work. Help?
(Both computers use Windows XP Pro)


Preliminary question here. Why don't you have the sattelite modem connected to the router and run the ethernet cable from the router to the desktop NIC card? Most wireless routers have cable out ports also. I presume you have a wireless adapter inserted, or on board the laptop. Does the sattelite modem only have a USB output port? I would hope it had regular CAT 5 Ethernet cable output port also. Please advise.


I am networking a laptop to my PC with a wireless connection. My PC accesses the internet through Direcway satellite. The satellite modem is connected to the PC through USB. I have an ethernet card in the PC that goes to a D-Link wireless router. The laptop and the PC comunicate but I cannot access the internet with the Laptop. My Direcway satellite connection is enabled and shared. I have followed the instructions I found from Microsoft but it will not work. Help?
(Both computers use Windows XP Pro)


Does the satellite modem have an Ethernet connection? If not,
consider getting a modem with one, and connect it directly to the

Using your PC as a gateway server for the laptop can be done, but it
is a wasteful process, particularly so if you already have a router to
share the connection with both the PC and laptop.

Here are a couple websites which contain all the detail you need to
setup your LAN properly.


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***** charles

I am networking a laptop to my PC with a wireless connection.
My PC accesses the internet through Direcway satellite. The
satellite modem is connected to the PC through USB. I have an
ethernet card in the PC that goes to a D-Link wireless router.
The laptop and the PC comunicate but I cannot access the
internet with the Laptop. My Direcway satellite connection
is enabled and shared. I have followed the instructions I
found from Microsoft but it will not work. Help?
(Both computers use Windows XP Pro)

Your PC is not handling the routing function correctly. Even if
the box you are using can be used as a router, Direcway prefers
that you set it up the way you are trying. Set the PC to
share the connection and then use PING to test the setup.

I have set these up before and they can give you some of the
fastest connections to the Internet that I have ever seen for
a non-commercial connection, faster than dsl or cable/modem.
Make sure you use the latest driver and patches.


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