Net Transport Evaluations?

  • Thread starter Howard Schwartz
  • Start date

Howard Schwartz

I recently switched to Net Transport from Star Downloader as my internet
download manager, on the advice of a group member. Net Transport is more
complex, handles extra kinds of data streams, and subjectively feels

But it typically reports surprisingly slow dowload speeds like 20k/sec
over a 56K baud dialup modem.

Any Net Transport users out there have evaluations of its overall
efficiency and download speed capability?

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Howard Schwartz said:
I recently switched to Net Transport from Star Downloader as my internet
download manager, on the advice of a group member. Net Transport is more
complex, handles extra kinds of data streams, and subjectively feels

"This program is Shareware"


Howard said:
Any Net Transport users out there have evaluations of its overall
efficiency and download speed capability?
Hello, Howard

Net Transport is the one I use. I try other downloaders from time to
time, but none has given me a compelling reason to move from NT. NT is
really well-made, very stable (has never crashed on me) and also has a
snappy GUI.

About download speed, I'm on ISDN 64kbps and NT always downloads close
to full capacity, that is 7.6 to 7.8 kilobytes/sec. I usually limit it
to of 5 or 6 kilobytes/sec, so as to be able to surf at the same time.

I only have three slight reservations, none of which keeps me from using
it as my only downloader:

1. The freeware version is not developed since June 2004.
2. It does not integrate natively with Fx (but only with IE, which I
never use). One has to use a Fx extension for integration. I personally
don't care. I do most downloads with Fx, and I only use NetTransport for
downloads that are either big for my connection (say, over 30MBs) or I
know are quirky and will not be handled well by Fx.
3. AFAIK, it cannot preview partly download videos (Free Download
Manager, for example, can do this).



Howard said:
I recently switched to Net Transport from Star Downloader as my internet
download manager, on the advice of a group member. Net Transport is more
complex, handles extra kinds of data streams, and subjectively feels

But it typically reports surprisingly slow dowload speeds like 20k/sec
over a 56K baud dialup modem.

Any Net Transport users out there have evaluations of its overall
efficiency and download speed capability?
I'm using DSL so I'm not seeing your problem. I've tried all the others
and prefer net transport. The only negative is lack of updating.

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