Need more than Sendkeys. What is the tool for the job?

  • Thread starter gimme_this_gimme_that
  • Start date


I have about 200 Word documents in a directory and meta data for those
files in an Excel Worksheet.

I'd like to upload these files into a Windows application.

I need a scripting tool that will connect to an open windows

Fill some controls with meta data from the Excel Worksheet,

Then click a button that results in having the Window application store
the file.

What tool would do this job?

I vaguely recall working on a test product circa 1996 that would allow
you to turn on a recorder and record user activites by recording the
events of the Windows API and created a VB script. Any ideas on what
that product was. I think I got it from Microsoft Subscription. Any



What is this "Windows application" ?
Depends which methods it supports. Can you send the file names via the
command line ?

Not sure which recording app you are talking about, but AutoIt lets you
record mouse movement, clicks etc.


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