Excel as a reporting tool



I'm happy using Excel as a reporting tool with it's charting and maths
capabilities - usually by importing data to a worksheet and then using
sumif/sumproduct to fill the report tables and chart source data ranges -
often with a userform at the front end to allow the user flexibility with
setting of report parameters.
What should I do when the data source exceeds 64K records (from an SQL
database)? Is there a workaround in Excel, or should I be looking at another
Any advice would be much appreciated


If you need to have all the data present on the sheet, then excel isn't the
tool. However, if you are using summary data such as you describe, you
should explore using pivot tables to display only the summarized data.

The soon to be released xl2007 will support over a million rows.

Debra Dalgleish
See P for pivot tables.

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