Name of file that start by download in Internet Explorer



Hi, experts!
What is name of file that start when I wish something to download in Windows
XP with IE6.
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Blake, MVP

Adi said:
Hi, experts!
What is name of file that start when I wish something to download in
Windows XP with IE6.

Sorry, I don't understand. Can you try rephrasing that question?


Adi said:
Hi, experts!
What is name of file that start when I wish something to download in
Windows XP with IE6.
(e-mail address removed)

Sorry the translation is a bit askew, so..........
Assuming you wish to download a file from the web.
For this simple example we will just use an audio file
and a video file.
On the site, the link with the file will have an extension.
..mp3 for audio,
..WMV for a video clip
Just place the cursor on the file name
RIGHT click
From the menu select "Save target as.."
A dialog appears where you select the folder you wish
the file to be saved to, with MP3, default is save to "My Music"?
It will download and save to the folder.
Files for download from the web can come with a zillion
different file type extensions, if it is file extensions that
have you perplexed, try here, though it's in English:

Wesley Vogel

Is your decoder broken? :-D

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Wesley Vogel said:
Is your decoder broken? :-D
Yep, everything is broken, I don't even know what day of the week it is?
Make mine a Brandy and have one yourself.................


if you want to know where programs you download from the web are being
directed to, next time you download one click on the "open folder" button
while the download window is open instead of "open-run". If that window has
vanished you need to Search for the name of your download.

You can always change the destination folder.

Wesley Vogel

I remember sending away for things with box tops when I was a kid. What
great fun getting mail addressed to your very own self.

I was visiting my Brother's family recently. I happened to grab the mail
from the mailbox as I was coming in the house and my 4 1/2 year old Nephew
asked if there was any mail for him. I told him, "No, you're too young to
get mail." After I said that I looked through the stack and there were
three big envelopes addressed to him, much to my surprise. His Mom told me
that he had been sending away for all kinds of things with cereal box tops.
With a little help from Mom, as it takes some writing skills that he has not
yet acquired. LOL

I wonder if he has a secret decoder ring?

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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