MyIE2 Question Please


Bob Newman

When using MyIE2 in the full screen mode I cannot bring up another program
on top of it as you can with not only IE6, but any other program. If I
bring it down to any other size window rather than full screen I do not have
this problem. Is this the way it is supposed to be? If not how do I fix
it, if so to me anyway it is a major flaw in the program.

Thanks in advance... Bob


Bob said:
When using MyIE2 in the full screen mode I cannot bring up another program
on top of it as you can with not only IE6, but any other program. If I
bring it down to any other size window rather than full screen I do not have
this problem. Is this the way it is supposed to be? If not how do I fix
it, if so to me anyway it is a major flaw in the program.

I have two builds of MyIE2 here: and
I can alt-tab another app over either build when in full screen.


Can you click on the task bar to do it also?

Only if the task bar is there. :)


Launch MYIE2, go to full screen; the taskbar is there. Bring up another
app from taskbar and the taskbar vanishes. Ah... It is to do with which
app has the focus. If MYIE has the focus there is a taskbar, if you
click on the taskbar (and then click in a myie window), or bring up
another app, MYIE loses focus and the taskbar goes on holiday.
Opera behaves in just the same way.
Dunno about IE; for some reason the full screen option is greyed out.

Solution: use alt-tab, or find an app to keep the toolbar always on top.

Bob Newman

I like my mousey.


jo said:
Only if the task bar is there. :)


Launch MYIE2, go to full screen; the taskbar is there. Bring up another
app from taskbar and the taskbar vanishes. Ah... It is to do with which
app has the focus. If MYIE has the focus there is a taskbar, if you
click on the taskbar (and then click in a myie window), or bring up
another app, MYIE loses focus and the taskbar goes on holiday.
Opera behaves in just the same way.
Dunno about IE; for some reason the full screen option is greyed out.

Solution: use alt-tab, or find an app to keep the toolbar always on top.

Bob Adkins

Solution: use alt-tab, or find an app to keep the toolbar always on top.

I seem to recall some focus on older versions of MyIE2. Why not just use the
latest release? It's rock-solid-stable, and clean as can be.

-- Bob


Bob Newman said:
I like my mousey.

Me too. I assigned the alt-tab function to one of its buttons. If
you've got a mousey with extra buttons, you could check into that?

Bob Newman

Will it allow you to put another program over it when in the full screen



Bob Newman wrote:

Only if the task bar is there. :)


Launch MYIE2, go to full screen; the taskbar is there. Bring up another
app from taskbar and the taskbar vanishes. Ah... It is to do with which
app has the focus. If MYIE has the focus there is a taskbar, if you
click on the taskbar (and then click in a myie window), or bring up
another app, MYIE loses focus and the taskbar goes on holiday.
Opera behaves in just the same way.
Dunno about IE; for some reason the full screen option is greyed out.

Solution: use alt-tab, or find an app to keep the toolbar always on top.

Hi .... MyIE2 v and WinME here. No problem with taskbar and
fullscreen mode here. I usually have taskbar set to auto-hide, but have
also tried it with the taskbar permenantly enabled.

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