My Worksheet Objects become just Objects. Why?



I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.


Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it as
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.



Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.

macropod said:
Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it as
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.


Fred said:
Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.

macropod said:
Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it as
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.

You may have something else wrong or going on with your software.
If I do the following it works. I'm using Office 2003

1. Add an Excel object to a word doc. Insert/Object/Create New
Object/Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet.
2. Copy some cells from an Excel Worksheet
3. Do a Paste Special values only into the object in word.
4. Click away from the object in word.
5. Close or do not close excel, both cases work.
6. Double click the object in word.
7. The Excel formula bar opens up in the toolbar area.
8. I can click into the formula bar or double click a cell and I can
edit the data.

Your comment "worksheet object hast become an object", seems to me it
should stay an object. Other variations of copy/paste from Excel would
put the Excel data into a Word table, which you should still be able to
edit the table. The only time, in my experience, you can't edit the data
is if you copy Excel cells and then do a paste special and select
Bitmap, Picture (Windows Metafile) or Picture (Enhanced Metafile).



rwr said:
Fred said:
Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.

macropod said:
Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it as
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.

You may have something else wrong or going on with your software.
If I do the following it works. I'm using Office 2003

1. Add an Excel object to a word doc. Insert/Object/Create New
Object/Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet.
2. Copy some cells from an Excel Worksheet
3. Do a Paste Special values only into the object in word.
4. Click away from the object in word.
5. Close or do not close excel, both cases work.
6. Double click the object in word.
7. The Excel formula bar opens up in the toolbar area.
8. I can click into the formula bar or double click a cell and I can
edit the data.

Your comment "worksheet object hast become an object", seems to me it
should stay an object. Other variations of copy/paste from Excel would
put the Excel data into a Word table, which you should still be able to
edit the table. The only time, in my experience, you can't edit the data
is if you copy Excel cells and then do a paste special and select
Bitmap, Picture (Windows Metafile) or Picture (Enhanced Metafile).


Ron, thanks for your reply. Again, I guess I am not being clear about my
question (problem). What happens is that I edit an existing "worksheet
object" with new data. I click out of it and continue elsewhere in the doc
with text. When I come back to the "worksheet object" to edit further, it is
no longer a "worksheet object". It is just an "object" and cannot be edited.
I don't understand what is changing it from a "worksheet object" to just an


Hi Fed,

In that case, either the document/template is corrupt, or you've got problems with your Word/Office installation. For the latter,
have you tried Help|Detect and Repair, then working with the document/template? Also, is the problem with just the one
document/template, or with documents containing embedded worksheets generally?


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.

macropod said:
Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.


I think that you must be right. The problem is always with the same
doc/template. We use it over and over for each new report and change the
data in Excel. I started saving the worksheet objects in a new doc and they
stayed "worksheet objects".

Is there a way to "un-corrupt" the template or do we need to re-create from
the start? I did try the "Detect and Repair" but I don't know yet whether it
helped. Thanks a lot for your help.

macropod said:
Hi Fed,

In that case, either the document/template is corrupt, or you've got problems with your Word/Office installation. For the latter,
have you tried Help|Detect and Repair, then working with the document/template? Also, is the problem with just the one
document/template, or with documents containing embedded worksheets generally?


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.

macropod said:
Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert it
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do the
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.


Hi Fred,

You may be able to get away with just deleting the problem objects and recreating them from scratch. Alternatively, deleting them
and copying all of the remainder of the document except the last paragraph mark into a new document - then recreating the objects
from scratch- may work.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
I think that you must be right. The problem is always with the same
doc/template. We use it over and over for each new report and change the
data in Excel. I started saving the worksheet objects in a new doc and they
stayed "worksheet objects".

Is there a way to "un-corrupt" the template or do we need to re-create from
the start? I did try the "Detect and Repair" but I don't know yet whether it
helped. Thanks a lot for your help.

macropod said:
Hi Fed,

In that case, either the document/template is corrupt, or you've got problems with your Word/Office installation. For the latter,
have you tried Help|Detect and Repair, then working with the document/template? Also, is the problem with just the one
document/template, or with documents containing embedded worksheets generally?


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.


Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.


I have been having the same problem - with any worksheet I test it in.

I embed an Excel object with NO link to the original, then copy and paste
(with link) various parts of the embedded Excel file into various parts of my
Word file. This is so I don't have to send the Excel file to others under
separate cover when e-mailing. I am at a loss as to why it works on some
computers and not on others.

Is there an easier way?



macropod said:
Hi Fred,

You may be able to get away with just deleting the problem objects and recreating them from scratch. Alternatively, deleting them
and copying all of the remainder of the document except the last paragraph mark into a new document - then recreating the objects
from scratch- may work.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Fred Borden said:
I think that you must be right. The problem is always with the same
doc/template. We use it over and over for each new report and change the
data in Excel. I started saving the worksheet objects in a new doc and they
stayed "worksheet objects".

Is there a way to "un-corrupt" the template or do we need to re-create from
the start? I did try the "Detect and Repair" but I don't know yet whether it
helped. Thanks a lot for your help.

macropod said:
Hi Fed,

In that case, either the document/template is corrupt, or you've got problems with your Word/Office installation. For the latter,
have you tried Help|Detect and Repair, then working with the document/template? Also, is the problem with just the one
document/template, or with documents containing embedded worksheets generally?


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Thanks for the reply, but I guess I was not clear, or perhaps incorrect
regarding embedding. Maybe that is what I am doing. First, the worksheet
already exists in my document template. What I do is copy a table from excel
that is in the same format as in the word worksheet object. I then open the
Word worksheet object, choose Paste Special, then choose values. The new
values are then in Word. I then close out of the worksheet object. At some
point thereafter, when I try to go back into that same worksheet object, I
find that it is now just an Object and I am unable to to edit. When I right
click and choose Object, I get the message "This object is corrupt or no
longer available". I do not understand what is causing the worksheet object
to convert to an object.


Hi Fred,

It all depends on which format you chose. You say you didn't want to embed the worksheet, so the only other way is to insert
another kind of object (eg picture). An alternative would be to insert a link to the object, in which case you'd normally do
editing in the source worksheet, not in Word.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have Office 2003. I have been copying tables from excel into word. I first
insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word, then copy a table from Excel. I then
Paste Special, choose values, then choose formats. This works out fine,
initially. Now though, when I need to go back in to edit a spread is Word, I
double click and find that my worksheet object hast become an object. I then
can't edit and have to start all over. What is casuing the worksheeet object
to become an object? Also, when I right click and choose "Object", I get a
message that says "This object is corrupt or no longer available". Note that
for size reasons, I do not want to imbed the worksheet into Word. I never
had this problem with Office 97.

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