my sent emails are disappearing after one day.



If there is a place to make this happen I can't find it...I've thoroughly
looked thru options and my outlook is programmed to save sent emails in teh
sent email folder, yet they disappear within a day.

While searching for my archive, the chain to reach it that appears under
data file management can not be found thru windows explorer or my
documents...following the chain, local settings just isnt there, yet under
the data file management it is. to attempt to look into this file, I need to
close I can't figure out where this file is. Does this sound
familiar...maybe it's a no brainer for someone, but I am stumped.



Maybe you have a specific View set?
They wont archive after one day unless you set archive options for such.
In OL, File>Open>Data File will take you to the default location, open your
Archive there (default name archive.pst)
You cannot view a data file other than in OL
Local Settings is a hidden folder

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