My PC keeps rebooting (I've virus checked a million times!)



My PC keeps rebooting.
I've virus checked a million times!

My PC randomly keeps rebooting.
I can't pin the problem down to anything at all.

I had the problem with my old PC.
Now I got a new one.
Trasnferred all the data and programs over...
And the problem has started happening to my new PC.

Can anyone suggest anything?
What can I do to track down the fault?

Any help would be aprpeciated.




If you had the problem on your old computer and transferred things from that
to your new one, and your new one is doing the same, it seems that you've
transferred the problem via a virus, bad file, rogue program, or something.
Either that or it's something environmental, like a bad outlet, power
surges, etc. Otherwise it seems to great a coincidence that you'd have the
same problem on two unrelated machines.

As far as virus checking, if you got the virus before the virus software was
updated enough to identify that particular bug, it's common for the virus to
disable the virus software's ability to detect the virus.

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