desperately needing help!
we use VISTA (windows mail) but had same promblem with XP (OE). through our
ISP we should have 2 separate email (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed).
I (HER) always get ONLY my mail, whereas HIM always get both HIM and HER
mail. We both get the HER mail, and if I get to it first and delete it he
doesn't see it at all. Same issue prior to VISTA. I can't find anywhere in
the settings that list a discrpepancy with only my (HER) address on his
account. My ISP doesn't seem to care.... neither one of us is computer
savvy enough to set up "rules" for this, although I suppose I would only need
to set up a rule on his account.... please help!
ISP we should have 2 separate email (e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed).
I (HER) always get ONLY my mail, whereas HIM always get both HIM and HER
mail. We both get the HER mail, and if I get to it first and delete it he
doesn't see it at all. Same issue prior to VISTA. I can't find anywhere in
the settings that list a discrpepancy with only my (HER) address on his
account. My ISP doesn't seem to care.... neither one of us is computer
savvy enough to set up "rules" for this, although I suppose I would only need
to set up a rule on his account.... please help!