"[My] Computer" folder view has changed



I've been running Vista for a couple of weeks now. Until today, the
"Computer" folder in Windows Explorer showed as a special kind of view, with
its contents organised into sections called something like "Hard drives" and
"Drives with Removable Storage". That seems to have disappeared for some
reason though, and now it's just showing the folder contents like any other
folder. Clicking on the view button lets me choose between "List",
"Details", "Tiles", "Small Icons", etc., but I can't get it back to the
original view.

Any suggestions?


Chad Harris


1) Try a reboot.

2) Try system restore.

3) Try clicking all the Layout Settings under Organize.

4) Try typing this into the search bar:

5) In the 'Start Search' bar on the start menu, type: shell:


Chad Harris

Initeresting Rick. I'm not seeing what you mean. I have my Computer menus
dislpayed as a link so that each drive letter shows when I click Computer.
I tried every permutation of View after having tried an assortment of
arrangements using organize and views and I didn'tfind what you meant under
view as by type. I did have type as a category--you have ayk about 130
choices for headings and Type is one. In most foldes, you get those by
clicking the icon on the lower left of the folder for a list of the
categories you can park up at the top of the folder.

I was trying to repro what you said, so I must not be going to the right
place although I've tried every possible one under view.

The way I got back to the drives being displayed by drive letters was to
click to the right of Computer at the address bar. Only after that when I
click views do I get a choice of how to layout those drives in different



I've managed to get it back to the way it was now.

I had to add "Type" as a column heading for the folder and then click on the
arrow next to it and select "Group", and then change the view to "Tile".

No idea how any of that got screwed up in the first place though.

Thanks for the help!

Chad Harris

This thread had me playing with every possible change. I sure got a lot of
looks. I lost the original, and kept clicking around and finally got it
back. I'm also getting the look you want by typing the word computer into
the search above the start bar.


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