MVP Question? Re: Slip Streaming Windows XP W/SP2


Jim Mac Millan


I am not sure where I found the post but it had a link to Paul
Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Slipstreaming Windows XP with SP 2.

I successfully integrated SP2 into the Windows XP setup files. I used
ISO buster to get the image file off the original install CD. I used Nero 5
and set the number of tracks to 4 and matched the label to the original. I
made sure to use the the image file that ISO buster collected. And I have
Kind Of Emulation set to No Emulation.

When the newly created CD Boots is says that it cannot find the file
"NTLDR". I know that I missing something but I have followed the Paul's
instructions 3 time now and still receive the missing file message.

Any Idea What I Am Missing?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Either one of the following utilities makes slipstreaming
(integrating) SP2 into Windows XP a breeze:

Windows Slipstreaming and Bootable CD Guide

Information on AutoStreamer 1.0

Windows XP Service Pack 2 - Direct Download

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| Hello,
| I am not sure where I found the post but it had a link to Paul
| Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Slipstreaming Windows XP with SP 2.
| I successfully integrated SP2 into the Windows XP setup files. I used
| ISO buster to get the image file off the original install CD. I used Nero 5
| and set the number of tracks to 4 and matched the label to the original. I
| made sure to use the the image file that ISO buster collected. And I have
| Kind Of Emulation set to No Emulation.
| When the newly created CD Boots is says that it cannot find the file
| "NTLDR". I know that I missing something but I have followed the Paul's
| instructions 3 time now and still receive the missing file message.
| Any Idea What I Am Missing?
| Jim

Alex Nichol

Jim said:
I am not sure where I found the post but it had a link to Paul
Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Slipstreaming Windows XP with SP 2.

I successfully integrated SP2 into the Windows XP setup files. I used
ISO buster to get the image file off the original install CD. I used Nero 5
and set the number of tracks to 4 and matched the label to the original. I
made sure to use the the image file that ISO buster collected. And I have
Kind Of Emulation set to No Emulation.

When the newly created CD Boots is says that it cannot find the file
"NTLDR". I know that I missing something but I have followed the Paul's
instructions 3 time now and still receive the missing file message.

One thought: Did you set Nero's burn to Finalise the disk? You
presumably put all the files in the main compilation - and *inside*
their i386 folder still?


That tacktech article is particularly good and I can vouch for it. I did
try out Winsupersite as well, but it wasn't as comprehensive and I couldn't
get a successful burn on an RW. However tacktech's piece worked like a
charm - There were a few features in that article that might have made a
difference - Like the load segment of sectors being 0000 and not 07CO,
various elaborate labels, and the like. The RW then burnt perfectly without
finalizing. I repeat - You don't need to finalize the XP CD to make it

As for the autostreamers - I'd never use them - It takes the fun out of it
and makes it too easy - And I need to *know* what I'm doing to my disk.

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