Jack Ross
Have installed Windows Messenger 4.7(4.7.2009) along with MSN Messenger
Add-in as advise in earlier posting. I am unable to sign in to the service.
OS = Window XP Home SP2. I have been to the passport site and Hotmail to
verify my password and sign in are correct. Still getting the message that
"Signing in to .NET Messenger Service failed because password is incorrect
or the sign in name does not exist. If you have forgotten your password,
click Help in the main window and then click Help Topics." I did all the
stated elements and am still unable to sign in... Any Suggestions. Should I
just switch to MSN messenger. My main reason for using the service is two
fold. One to receive notification of new mail in my Hotmail Account. and to
communicate with a few friends on IM.
Add-in as advise in earlier posting. I am unable to sign in to the service.
OS = Window XP Home SP2. I have been to the passport site and Hotmail to
verify my password and sign in are correct. Still getting the message that
"Signing in to .NET Messenger Service failed because password is incorrect
or the sign in name does not exist. If you have forgotten your password,
click Help in the main window and then click Help Topics." I did all the
stated elements and am still unable to sign in... Any Suggestions. Should I
just switch to MSN messenger. My main reason for using the service is two
fold. One to receive notification of new mail in my Hotmail Account. and to
communicate with a few friends on IM.