MS Wireless Keyboard



I have a MS Wireless Multimedia Keyboard and have two problems with
it. Perhaps someone here might have solutions.
1) On boot up it defaults to F lock being off which is awkward for
accessing safemode, bios etc. Is there a way to set it to start up
with Flock on?
2) If I have a boot up that requires a chkdisk, the process never
starts because somehow the keyboard cancels the chkdisk. If I plug in
a hardwired keyboard then chkdisk proceeds normally. Anyone heard of
this or know of a fix?


Thanks for the F lock fix, Bob..worked great.
The other problem still keyboard receiver is plugged into
PS/2 port. Even if I schedule a chkdisk for next reboot, it always
comes up as "canceled" tho I don't touch any keys. If I plug my old
keyboard into the same port and reboot, chkdisk works fine. Odd.

Bob I

I'm just guessing here but the keyboard "init" may be interpreting the
wireless response as "ESC" and aborting it on you.

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