MPEGS won't play from CD


Gary Pollard

I have a couple of CD Roms on which I've stored a selection of MPEG video
files. On Windows ME they played fine. Now, I can't play them on Windows XP.
The drive light flickers, the hard disk light flashes, but every time Media
Player hangs.

Not only that, if I try to copy the MPEGs to the hard drive the attempt
either hangs or tells me it can't copy because of a CRC check. I suspect
it's because Windows XP is messing around with - or logging - the files in
some way I don't want it to. Anyone know how to fix this?



The Reverend XP

I don't have an answer for you but I do know that CRC is
cyclick redundancy check and means that the system checks
to see if the source CRC code is the same as the copy and
if not it won't work. I had this same problem and had to
reload the programs using XP. Good luck.

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