Moving Minimized Window



I don't know what I did, when I want to left
click > hold > move a minimized window within the screen
area....I can only move the window "perimeter" or "frame"
and then, upon release, the entire window moves to where
I released the "frame"

This is a new one on me. Where can I go to return
to "entire window moves with left click". It's like a two
stage operation now. First I move the frame and then the
window follows to that location after releasing the mouse.

Thank you

David Candy

I don't know how you move a minimised window, but it sounds like you have
Show Windows Contents When Dragging set. This is for normal state windows,
not minimised (there being minimised - on taskbar only, normal - a window
you can see, and maximised - the window and frame takes up the full screen,
and Full Screen - where the window contents take up the full screen (no

Start - Display - Appearance - Effects


Thank you for your reply,

I have Windows XP Home

Note: by "Minimized" I don't mean to minimize it to the
Taskbar...I mean to make it smaller than full size.

Let me try another explaination. If you have a Window
displayed...let's say the one you are looking at right now
(that says Community Newsgroups across the top) you can
either Maximize (Window fills entire screen ) or Minimize
(you can adjust size of Window from fill entire screen
area to a smaller size of your choice). In a Minimized
state you can put your cursor on the top of the Window
(where it says Community Newsgroups) and left click and
hold to move or relocate the window within the screen.
Let's say you have one open Window on Top of another open
Window and you want to adjust the position of the one on
top. When I try and do this ONLY the outside frame or
perimeter of that Window will move (like a very thin
picture frame). Then, after releasing the mouse,
the "inside" or viewed area will "catch up" to where I
released the frame.

I went to Help and Support (Managing Windows) but I don't
see anything about this feature.

Thanks again

David Candy

I already told you the answer and that it's known as a normal window not minimised.


Sorry David, accidently sent that last reply before
completing it.

As I was saying, you gave me the correct instructions the
first time and when I went back to
Start>Display>Appearance>Effects it was clear what you
were describing and that fixed the problem. Thanks

While I have your attention and since you are an MVP can I
ask you about another subject. I am having a problem when
I try and access my Hotmail(MSN8 and Messenger v6.0). I
get an error message that says "Windows cannot open this
to open Windows needs to know what Program created it"

This began last Friday and over the weekend I upgraded my
Messenger from v5.0 to v6.0 and also as a last resort
reinstalled and upgraded my MSN8 to MSN8.5.

A few minutes ago when I was alerted to an incoming email
(little popup window in lower right of screen) and I
clicked on it to read the email I then got the same error
message again.

Sound like anything you have experience with?


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