Movie Maker 2 and saving formats



Why are we forced to save video files to Microsoft Formats
only? I quite like Movie Maker 2, it's a big step up from
MM1, but keeps the single biggest failing in the product:
Not being able to save to any MPEG formats, not MPEG-1 or
MPEG-2. The usefulness and compatibility of MM2 would be
greatly enhanced by being able to save movies directly to
a VCD or DVD... much like... wait for it... iMovie allows
you to.

Or at least allow us to save to an MPEG file.

Forcing us to save to MS formats then use other programs
to convert to file formats other than MS is just
ridiculous. It stinks of MS trying to politely force
everyone to use XP so that we can 'see the video the
grandkids sent us' etc.

I think my next laptop will be a Mac I'm afraid.


One of the options is to save to DV-AVI, an extremely high quality format.
From here you can convert to whatever format you like. After all, it is a
Microsoft product...if it bothers you so much, use something else. I guess
some people just like to b*tch about something that is free and easy to use.



would anyone know where if I can split an mpg from movie
maker. My capture is 8 gb and will need to split to 4 gb
each to fit in my dvd drive.


I know the option, I have to use it... and I know it's
free, but then so is iMovie for the Mac... I'm not going
to pay huge amounts of money for a video editing suite
when all I do is occasional home videos and such...

My issue is that the ONLY reason that it's not an option
to save out to MPEG/DVD/VCD is that Microsoft is playing
its monopolistic games and trying to FORCE everyone to use
windows... why they can't have the option to save to the
open and very compatible MPEG formats is beyond me.

I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching, I'm bitching
because I'm seeing MS ramming their proprietary formats
down our throats... and when I see alternatives out there
on other operating systems doing it the way it should be
done. (Wouldn't you like to be able to simply burn
straight from the Movie making package to a DVD and show
your movie to ANYONE with a DVD player? No pissing about?
Or are you happy with saving to a file format that only
other people running Windows, and in some cases only those
with Windows XP can watch?)

So yippy for you being satisfied with a substandard
product, but I will definitely be moving to Mac in the




I am satisfied with it as it is a free product. For my serious video
editing I use Ulead MediaStudio Pro. I just think that it is wrong to
complain that MS wants to include only it's own proprietary codecs in the
package. As long as you know what the limitations are, go for it. WMV
encoded movies are not to bad looking, and when HIGHMAT finally gains the
acceptance it deserves, then everyone will be moving to that format,
including your beloved MAC.


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