Moral development question issue...



I didn't know where else to post it, so I posted it here. Since it's more
technical than anything, I assume that you guys have an answer :)

I've been trying to find an answer for this question for some time, but I
haven't been able to. I have a client with a small business that wants me to
develop a shopping cart. I'm thinking of hosting her website using my
webhost4life account. What are the disadvantages of using webhost4life's
free shopping cart?
Theoretically speaking, why would any potential client with a need for a
general shopping cart (nothing special) buy a shopping cart custom-made or
off-the-shelf if the host offers them for free? I asked several web
developers on the costs for building a shopping cart, and the cheapest one
that I found was $800. But why would I pay $800 for something if some web
hosters only charge $10/month while others have them for free? That's even
better for me because I can cancel it if business isn't what I thought it'd


Lars-Inge Tønnessen \(VJ# MVP\)

They pay for your support, and the possibility to extend it later.
This is how the consulting business works...

Lars-Inge Tønnessen

Stephany Young

A very interesting post which raises issues of ethical behaviour by both
vendors and consumers.

In the hypothetical situation you have described, at face value there is no
reason whatsoever why a consumer should buy a bespoke solution when a
suitable 'free' solution is available, and similarly, there is no reason for
a vendor to encourage them to do so.


When one considers the adage that 'there is no such thing a free lunch' and
delves deeper into the 'free' solution, one will generally find that there
may be hidden costs in using the 'free' solution and/or the 'free' solution
does not do exactly what the consumer wants.

Any business finds that it's needs are constantly changing and it is
unlikely that the 'free' solution will cater for such changes.

Unfortunately the whole area of ethical behaviour is a minefield. One
persons view of what is or isn't ethical behaviour can differ greatly from
the view of another person. One only has to consider the number of civil law
suits that occur to see this demonstrated.

Consumers will always strive to get the best deal possible from their point
of view and vendors will always strive to get the best deal possible from
their point of view. This is the cut and thrust of business.

The cheapest option in the short term is not always the cheapest option in
the longer term.

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