Monthly Comparison By Year



Is there a way to make a chart that compares the two same months of
different years worth of data?

For example, my spreadsheet has the date starting with January 2007 -
June 2008 as the header listed in order. I have some charts built off
of that but would like a bar chart that also lets me compare Jan 07
next to Jan 08, Feb 07 next to Feb 08, and so on.

Any ideas?

Jon Peltier

An alternative is to arrange your data so that you have months in rows and
years in columns:

2007 2008
Jan data data
Feb data data
Mar data data
Apr data data

You can do this manually or using a pivot table. If using a pivot table, use
date as a row field, group date by month and year, then drag the year field
to the columns area. I show how to accomplish this in more detail in my

- Jon

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