Monitor bandwidth and net usage

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Hi, got a small network; 2 PCs connected via ethernet to Netgear DG834G ADSL
modem/router; 1-4 PCs connected via wireless. All run XP Home, but I am
replacing one computer with Vista (and network config will be Vista PC
attached to router via ethernet & rest by wireless). Running DHCP & MAC + WEP
for security.
I want to monitor/limit bandwidth of the other (wireless) pcs from the Vista
PC- can this be done thru Windows or do I have to buy proprietory software -
pref not too expensive! (I dont think the router can do it). I tried with
something called Wingate, but couldnt figure it out... The attached pcs are
using all my bandwidth & costing me money in excess net charges. Any help
appreciated thanks!
On a peer-to-peer Network local traffic flows through the Router switch, and
Internet traffic through the switch and the Routing.
Thus monitoring and control of other computers is not available unless you
switch/router was built with the capacity to control them remotely.
None of the sub $250 Cable/DSL Routers provides this capacity.
On some Routers (not yours) there is Qos setting that allows allocation of
Bandwidth to each computer. It can be set through the Router's menu system.
However, it does not provide dynamic control/monitoring through one of the
Network computers.
The above applies to all client Windows OS' including Vista.
Jack (MVP-Networking).
Thanks Jack; Can I use an old computer as a server to route the internet
traffic through, using a proxy server like Wingate?

I a not familiar with Wingate, but from what I read it seems to me that it
can be a solution as you mentioned above.

Email the sales and asks specifically if the hardware that you are intending
to use, the amount of users, and projected traffic would work well when it
is combined with their software. Alternatively, if you are confident enough
download the 30 days trial version and actually try it.

Jack (MVP-Networking).