MMC could not create the snap-in



Hi All...

I've been trying to get a custom MMC to work on Windows Vista Business
Edition. The MMC contains a snap-in for IIS 6.0 Manager for administration of
some of my web servers. All other snap-ins work execept for this one. The
error that I get is "MMC could not create the snap-in".

Any ideas as to why this does not work (and a possible solution) would be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Marc Hoffman



Thanks for replying. Unfortunately, this did not work. One point that I may
not have made clear was that the IIS snap-in was already added to my custom
MMC file. When I click the IIS portion in the Console Root, I get the error
of "...could not create the snap-in..." After trying your suggestion, I'm
still not able to use the IIS 6 Manager snap-in. Could the fact that the
Snap-in is already present in my Custom MMC file be the problem?



This shouldn't be the problem. This error might occur when there is some
problem initializing snap in. Are you getting any detailed error message?

Posting this to newsgroup might help.



I am not getting any detailed information other than the error that I posted.
I will try posting to the newsgroup that you suggest.

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