Military Time



For some reason, my clock has been reading military time for the past couple
weeks. Is there any way to turn that back to regular time again?


For some reason, my clock has been reading military time for the past couple
weeks. Is there any way to turn that back to regular time again?

Control Panel > Regional Language Options
On the Regional Options tab, click on "Customize" in middle of the
In Customize window, click the "Time" tab
You can change it here.
Let us know if this doesn't do it.

Bruce Chambers

Frederick said:
For some reason, my clock has been reading military time for the past couple
weeks. Is there any way to turn that back to regular time again?

Control Panel > Regional and Language Settings > Customize > Time....


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Wesley Vogel

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Regional and Language Options |
Customize button | Time tab |

Change any UPPERCASE H to lowercase h.

The lowercase h denotes the 12 hour clock and uppercase H denotes the 24
hour clock.

H = Hours without leading zeros for single digit hours (24 hour clock).
HH = Hours with leading zeros for single digit hours (24 hour clock).
h = Hours without leading zeros for single digit hours (12 hour clock).
hh = Hours with leading zeros for single digit hours (12 hour clock).

If you do not see the format you want in Time format, follow these
Display time in a 12-hour format: Type lowercase h or hh for the hour

Display leading zeros in single-digit hours: Type two characters, hh

Suppress the display of leading zeros in single-digit hours, minutes, or
seconds: Type a single lowercase letter, such as h, m, or s

Display a single letter to indicate AM or PM: Type lowercase t

Display two letters to indicate AM or PM: Type lowercase tt

Display text: Type single quotation marks (') around text

To change the way your computer displays the time

HKCU\Control Panel\International
Value Name: iTime
Data Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: 0 or 1
0 = 12-hour clock
1 = 24-hour clock

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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