Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 does not display animated graphics?


Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

They did address it - they block those items. Problem solved. :)

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Hi Peter.. to your comment.. They may very well be a security risk now, but
wouldn't you think those security issues could be addressed as they do other


This has been removed from Outlook 2007 for security reasons which is quite correct on the part of MS Office


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
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That's a pretty obsurd attitude you have there Milly... LOL! The program may
belong to them but if the features in the program are not in the application,
who many people will still use it? It's a supply and demand issue like
everything else is. If MS wants to shove that down peoples throats and not
listen to what its customers want, then so be it. let them own it and use it
themselves. People use applications because it does what the need and/or
want within it. Remove that feature from it, and the people go somewhere
else, find something else to use.


No, Microsoft decides that as the program belongs to them, not you.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
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After furious head scratching, (e-mail address removed) asked:

| We need everyone to begin accessing this link and voting so that
| Microsoft knows that enough people wants this feature back!
| <
| mid=d7118c2d-78aa-41e8-96fa-
| b1c11deccb09&>
| This link will let you vote that you find that having animated GIF's
| as part of Outlook 2007 is a function we do need. If enough people
| vote maybe microsoft will listen and re-activate the feature.
| As discussed above Outlook 2007 uses word 2007 as the html editor, and
| that causes the GIF's and flash to not animate. I agree with the
| posting that we should be able to decide that....

Brian Tillman

Matrix said:
Remove that feature from it, and the people go somewhere else, find
something else to use.

And that would be the proper way to handle it. My vote would be to not
allow animation. Animation is simply cutesy glitz and glitter and doesn't
convey information which is, after all, the whole purpose of email.

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