Microsoft exchange server 2003 and Vista



I just bought a new computer with Vista Home Premium on it and now I am
having problems with my work email. I access my work email through outlook
2003 exchange server. It looks okay until I try and reply to a message then
I just get a blue page with a small box with a little red X in it and it
won't let me type anything. I am also getting an error message that says:
Line: 538, Char: 1, Error: Class not Registered, Code: 0, URL: which lists
the address of my work email. This is making me crazy, is there a fix to
this? Thanks!



I'm assuming you are using Outlook Web Access. If so, this is a known issue
with Exchange OWA and IE7 and there is a patch available for the Exchange
server. Contact your Exchange administrator and tell them to patch up your
server : ).

In the meantime, if you use the "Basic" instead of "Premium" view, you
should be able to send and reply to messages.

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